here goes nothing...

822 13 1


Ariels POV

I groaned as I rolled over to look at my alarm clock.

I wanted to crawl in a hole and die as it reads 5:30 am

I slowly crawled out of my bed and got dressed.

After getting dressed, I did my business and slowly made my way downstairs.

I have to be careful so I don't wake my mum up.

she's not much of a morning person.. actually she's not much of a person overall.

if your asking why, well I'll tell you

Ever since my Dad left 8 years ago my mum has been an absolute wreck.

she's resorted to drinking as her only escape. and also the fact that she beats the living hell out of me every chance she gets.

and if you're asking why I have to wake up at 5:30 every morning. is because i have to make her breakfast. She expects it made and ready on the table for him at 6:30 sharp.

if it's not ready, well lets just say its not a pretty picture.

I finally made it to the kitchen and quietly opened the fridge.

after getting the eggs out the oven started, I grab the toast and put it next to the toaster.

she makes me make the same thing everyday.

2 eggs, two pieces of toast with marmalade and 2 pieces of bacon. oh, can't forget about the cold beer or wine that she always wants.

that woman drinks about 30 glasses of wine a day. I'm not kidding

I place the wine on the table as I hear her take the first step on the stairs.

I have to be standing off to the side when she walks in, otherwise I either get a back hand to the face of a heel stomp on my foot. The back hand is when she's in a good mood.

I sighed as I put the toast in the toaster and crack the eggs in the pan.

I quickly got the marmalade out of the fridge and took the toast out of the toaster. I looked back and made sure the bacon wasn't burnt.

My mum Hates when his bacon is burnt. She likes it chewy but not too chewy.

I placed everything on the plate and freshly jammed toast next to them.

I heard her bedroom door open

I looked the plate over and made sure I had everything.

I heard her groan as she walked down the stairs.

"I see you managed to follow orders correctly this time. Nice." My Mum mumbled as she looked at her plate and then at me.

"Thank you mum" I said monotone.

I gasped as I felt something connect with my cheek and my head made contact with the wall.

" I thought I told you to never call me that again. You're such a dumb little bitch!" She yelled as she stood over to me.

I cradled my cheek and nodded. "Sorry miss"

my mum only grunted before he turned back to the table and sat down.

"You start school tomorrow. take this and go to the store to get whatever shit you need for school"

i flinched as he threw a $10 bill at me.

I picked it up from the floor. "Thank you Miss"

"Whatever. Just get the hell out of my sight' She said as she took a sip from her wine.

I put my shoes on and walked out the door.

I smiled as I breathed in the fresh air.

I entered the bus and sat down, watching as the scenery passed by.

the bus came to a stop at the bus stop right next to Target.

here goes nothing








first chapter of the sequel! yay! aw poor Ariel :(

hope you guys enjoyed






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