what about my eyes?

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1 year later

Eleanors POV

Its been 1 year since I left my old pack, and to be completely honest I love it here.

chad, Hanna and Aria are my best friends and The pack are so nice to me.

Aria is Chads mate. he Found her when he went to the shops and they are so cute together.

And I'm not mute anymore, I began to speak after seeing someone and I still get nightmares but not as much as usual.

Ever since I arrived  I have trained everyday and am proud to say that I am one of the pack warriors.

right now its midnight and I'm at the lake that I found before I got found by Chad.

I love this place, its so peaceful and when its full moon Its even more beautiful.

I stand up and shift into my wolf, I run back to the pack house.

Once I'm in I change into my Pj's brush my teeth and hop into bed.

As soon as my head hits the pillow I fall asleep.

I'm happy here









in her dream*

I open my eyes but instantly close then when I see the bright light. I then here a familiar voice say

"hello sweetie"

I slowly open my eyes and see a beautiful garden with animals everywhere.

I look around and see

"Mum?!" I say

She smiles and I run and hug her.

"Hello darling, I've missed you so much"

I let go and look up at her with tears in my eyes.

" I missed you too mum"

she then says

" darling You are going to wake up soon but theres something I need to tell you" she smiles

and I look at her in confusion but nod.

she opens her mouth and carries on with what she was going to say

" you are more powerful than you think you are, you must learn your true power"

I look at her in confusion and say

" what power what are you talking about?"

she smiles and says "your eyes darling, your golden eyes, use them carefully"

she starts to disappear so I panic

" no mum, wait what do you mean my eyes?!, don't go! no mum please!"

she disappears and the light becomes so bright I shut my eyes again.

"don't leave me again mum" I sob

I feel myself sinking

what does she mean about my eyes??











i wake up gasping, I look to my desk and see my clock says 11:48 am

wait what?! I never sleep in that late?

I slowly get up when I realise Its really quiet.

thats strange normally this pack house is never quiet.

I hear a scream and instantly freak out.

I hear noise outside so I look out my window to see, My pack having a full out war with rogues??!!!!!

I quickly chuck on a jumper and run outside.

as soon as I'm outside I shout in my loudest voice











And they all stopped.

just kidding they didn't, no one could hear me over the noise.

I shift into my wolf and start fighting the rogues. just by looking I can see that my packs winning and the rogues and outnumbered.

as I'm looking around I dont notice a rogue jumps on my back and bites my shoulder

that rogue is ruining my fur I hear lexi say

I growl and lift my feet up and kick the rogue off me. While the rogue is getting up I run up to him and jump onto him.

the rogue whines in surprise and I bite down on his neck hard. Once I feel the rogue go stiff I drop him.

after I see the rogue has died I hear Chad whining

I look to my right and see him trying to fight a rogue while there being two more rogues surrounding him.

I gasp and start running towards him, but am stopped by two other rogues coming towards me. They grab me and start fighting me.

I'm trying to stop them, but they are tougher than the other rogues I fought. The rogue tackles me and I look over his shoulder to see A rogue about to bite chad's neck.

I gasp and scream the loudest I've ever done


that doesn't sound like my voice?

this time everyone stopped

and when they do they all look at my eyes

I frown in confusion, as they all looked frightened.

they all run away, and I'm standing there in confusion.

whats wrong is there something on my face? lexi says

I  reply back to her " i dont know??"

when i'm brought out of my thoughts I see  Chad looking at me with wide eyes.

"Chad what is it? is there something on my face?" I say

he then says something I never expected to come out of his mouth

"Ele your eyes, your golden eyes they shone like lasers through your eyes! But now its gone?"

Say what?!.

hey guys so sorry this is so short and unedited :/ but I hope you like it :) love you





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