Its going to be okay

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Then I heard the gun shot go off 



everything seemed to go slow as I saw cole's eyes widen then he dropped to the floor. 

someone came in and killed Mike by snapping his neck but I wasn't focusing on that. 

I screamed as I dropped to the ground and caught Cole's head. 

As I saw the blood seeping through his shirt I felt the tears dripping down my face. his breathing quickened and he started to close his eyes. 

"No Cole don't close your eyes, Please dont close your eyes!" my tears were dripping on his face.  

he tried to smile at me but winced at doing so.  

he then struggles but manages to say "Its going to be okay" 

I laugh but start crying again "why are you comforting me when your the one who's been shot. "

He smiles then slowly his eyes start to close.  I start sobbing more not noticing two people grabbed my arms and someone grabbing cole. before I know it, It goes black.

I fainted. 





I wake up with a headache and notice that i'm in my bed, wait how did I get here? I try to remember everything when it all hits me. 

I went to go get revenge 

There was a war

Cole got shot


i jump out of bed and quickly chuck on some clothes and shoes. 

I run out of my room and head towards the hospital. I see the door when I'm stopped by two people. I yell at them telling them to let me go. 

I start crying again but faintly hear Troy telling me that they are doing everything they can to keep him alive and he's in surgery.

I drop to the floor and feel troy's arms wrap around me sobbing for what seemed like forever but was only a little bit when I hear the door open. 

I look up to see doctor daisy, I quickly stand up wiping the tears of my face and say "Can I see him please!" 

she looks hesitly but nods, I give her a small smile and run into the room. 

Troys POV 

20 minutes later she walks out and when I look at her my heart drops. 

i then say "Is Cole okay?" 'ELe?" 

she stops walking and says "I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know! The doctors wont tell me anything and wont come out of his room!" she starts crying once again and I pull her to my chest. 




30 minutes later.




a doctor comes out of the room and says. "His surgery is finished and he's going to be okay, just will take a while before he fully heals. he's lucky it didn't hit an artery or it would be serious" 

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