"you didn't think it would be that easy did you? "

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Eleanors POV

we were both outside of his headquarters. He had this place heavily gaurded.

we jumped from tree to tree making sure we didn't make any sound. We got close enough to his building so we both jumped on the roof rolled to a standing run. I pressed up against an air duct and paused waiting for any indication that I had been detected.

I heard a guard coming our way and I readied myself. As he came around the corner, Hailey grabbed him in a sleeper hold. As he was trying to fight her she broke his neck and he went limp. I good see the fury in Haileys eyes.

I played him up against the air duct that I was just on. We made our way across the roof taking out three other guards along the way. I jumped down to the lower roof and jumped off of the building. We pressed up to the outside wall of the build and scanned the area until I found a door.

Haley tried it and surprisingly it was unlocked.

we made our way in and I made sure the door didn't slam behind me.

It was pretty dark but I wasn't worried and i don't think Hailey was either.

we started to walk down the hallway and as I was walking I was thinking about how easy it was to get in here. right as I was thinking this to myself I heard Lexi in my head

Look out!

a dark shadow came out of no where and I heard hailed gasp as well next to me when all of a light turns on and I see that theres rogues surrounding us.

I let lexi through and i see all of there eyes widen when they see my eyes and I smirk.

We circle them while they watch us waiting for someone to make the first move.

finally someone jumped at me and i sliced them in half with my claws. another one tired from behind and I back flipped so that he ran into one of the other rouges, successful lying knocking themselves out.

I didn't want to waste anymore time, so we both looked at each other and nodded.

we ran towards them.

I jumped up and split kicked two in the face. I heard two crunches letting me know that I had knocked them out and broken their noses.

I looked to see that hailey had taken down all the other rogues.

we continued to make our way down the dark hallway.

we eventually came to the end of the hallway and looked around only seeing one door. i grabbed the knob and turned it and what I saw made me and Hailey Gasp in anger.

"I knew you would come to me" I looked at him with so much disgust, such hatred that I saw him flinch.

"I'm going to kill you, but first wheres troy"

he tsked at me and shook his head at me. "poor sweet Eleanor, You didn't think it would be that easy to take me down did you?"

I looked at him in confusion

Hailey then said "What do you mean it won't be that easy?"

as if on cue, over fifty wolves surrounded me. all rogues. Mike strolled up onto a raised platform so that he could observe the blood bath that would inevitable ensue. "Like I said Ele, it won't be that easy"

I scowled at him and crouched down into a battle stance. I was ready for the right of my life, literally, I was about to pounce on them when I heard a crash and glass came raining down on all of us.








hey guys so sorry I haven't updated in ageeeesssssss. And its really short but here you go :)






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