doctor daisy

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pic of the doctor daisy :P

Coles POV

its been one whole year since Eleanor has left and I've been a mess.

I am almost always in a drunken mess.

I feel myself about to throw up so I stand up and run to the bathroom. I feel the bile come up my throat and into the toilet. As i'm gasping I look up into the mirror and see that I have a small stubble from not being bothered to shave. My eyes are bloodshot red and to be honest I look like crap.

Ever since I pretty much rejected Eleanor my wolf hasn't talked to me. I've been in my room pretty much since then and only coming out when my dad has asked me to for alpha meetings. I've told him I don't want to be alpha, not until Eleanor comes back to be the Luna.

If she comes back....

I blame myself everyday, and I know I don't know why I did it in the first place. I guess it was because everyone thought she was weak and that she apparently killed her mother.

Well they thought she did. found out last year from her dad telling Troy and Brent that she never did.

Ever since her dad told them Troy has been looking everyday for her. Hes gone to 50 packs and tomorrow he is going to look at red eclipse pack. He has blamed himself everyday and promises to look everyday until he has found her.

Brent. He sometimes will help Troy or he will be looking for his mate. He was one of those players that slept with everyone but when he found out about Ele he was a mess but sucked it up and is doing the right thing.

after thinking about them I realise that if I want my mate I shouldn't just be sitting around drinking. I need to stop this. I need to look for her.

I get up and jump into the shower. Once i'm out I shave then chuck on a plain black t-shirt, my jeans and converse. I grab my leather jacket and i'm out the door.

"Lets get my girl back"

when I say this its the first noise I hear my wolf do

He barks in agreement.







Eleanor's POV

Chad and I are walking to the pack doctor daisy. Hoping she will know why my eyes shone like that. At first I thought he was being ridiculous but then I remembered my dream with mum telling me about my eyes.

I'm brought out of my thoughts when I see we have arrived. To be honest i'm really nervous to know whats wrong with my eyes.I also thought it was strange how I was the only one in my family with golden eyes, but I didn't think it meant anything.

We enter in the doorway and instantly see daisy. She looks up and smiles but looks at us in confusion when she sees we have no obvious injuries. Then I hear chad next to me say

" Hey daisy do you mind if we talk to you somewhere private?"

she looks up and nods, "of course follow me" when she says this we follow her down the hallway and into A small office like room. We enter and when she sits down chad instantly starts talking.

" ok so we wanted to speak in private first, because we don't know what we're dealing with, but please don't freak out" he says hurriedly

She looks a bit confused but nods for us to continue. Chad looks at me to make sure im ok with it. I nod and he then looks back at daisy and begins.

" well it started today when the rogues attacked..."

20 minutes later

Chad explained everything to daisy and at first she was confused but then she stood up and started looking through the books. She took out this old looking book and opened it up. I quickly glanced at the title of the book and saw it said 'magical wolf's eyes' I frown in confusion but look up and see daisy looking through the book.

When she finds the page she's looking for she reads through it with wide eyes then shows me.

I grab the book and start reading through.

and what I see freaks me out....








hey guys! :P so sorry all my chapters are so short :( but I hope you enjoy xoxo





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