Chapter 1

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The day was bright and sunny, some would say a good omen, but the family would say that it was just a good day. An official-looking lady walked into the room. "Barnes," she called called out to the mass of people. A man and a woman stood up quickly, seeming almost nervous, but more bursting with excitement. 

Smiling at them she said, "this way please." The man and woman followed the woman into an office. Numerous drawings dotted the walls, a few photos were scattered amongst them, but overall, there was a warm and comforting atmosphere. "So, Mr. and Mrs. Barnes, it seems you wish to adopt?" The lady asked. 

        "Yes we do," Mrs. Barnes answered with a smile.

        "May I ask why?" The woman prompted. 

        Mr. Barnes answered for her, "we lost our daughter Rebecca about a year ago, terrible accident. And my wife can no longer have children. We do not want to replace Becca, we could never, but we would like to have another child."

        "I'm sorry for your loss," the woman said sadly. "Everything has been approved, but I wanted to hear your answers personally, and let me say: I hope we can find a child for your family."

        Mrs. Barnes smiled at her, "Thank you."

        "So, why don't we get started? Do you have any preferences for the child you would like to adopt?" The adoption agency woman asked.

        "We don't have any 'preferences' really," Mrs. Barnes said slowly before looking to her husband for help.

"But we would love to have a little baby girl. When we asked our son James if he would like a little baby brother or sister he said a little baby sister," Mr. Barnes told her.

        "Yes, he said he wanted to protect, love, and be the best big brother in the world," Mrs. Barnes said with a fond smile.

        The adoption agent smiled at them, "I think I have the perfect child in mind. It's a little girl. The baby is about two months old. Her mother, Addison is dying due to childbirth complications. She wants to find a good home for her baby before she passes. They're here today if you would like to meet them."

        Mr. and Mrs. Barnes beamed and nodded their heads in vigorous agreement.

        The woman beamed, "if you will follow me then." They walked through the building, going down multiple halls before stopping at a door on the North side of the building. "If you could please wait here Mr. and Mrs. Barnes, I'm going to tell her that you're here." And with that, the woman went into another room. 

About three minutes pass and she comes out smiling. "They're ready for you."

        As they entered they saw a pale, frail-looking young lady. Her hair was dark brown with a whispy quality about it, but her bright blue eyes made you forget her evident exhaustion. In her arms, she was holding a little baby swaddled in a pink blanket. The little baby was not nearly as pale as her mother, but had tiny wisps of dark brown hair atop her head to match.

        "Hello, my name is George Barnes. And this is my wife Winifred," Mr. Barnes says smiling. 

        The pale girl smiled at them, "it's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Addison Smith. And this is Adelaide." Addison as she held up Adelaide weakly. The baby squirmed a little at being moved, but when she opened her eyes, they saw the most unique shade of hazel that seemed to hold more than just brown and tan. 

        The adoption agent smiled pleasantly at them, "Well, I'll leave you alone for now. Come find me if you need anything." She told them as she left through the open door, closing it softly behind her.

        After a few hours of conversation, the young couple and the kind woman began to have an easy friendship. Getting to know each other seemed simple for them. The sun had just begun to set by the time the adoption agent returned. "I see that you all are getting along well. Now I have to ask: do you wish to adopt Adelaide?"


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