Chapter 9

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After I finished reading all of the letters I burst into tears. There were some in there from Mrs. Rogers. She apparently wrote to me while she was sick. All of the letters I haven't gotten...

Peggy hugged me as I cried, muttering soothing words to me. When I was done crying she left to make me some hot cocoa. And I sat done and wrote a letter to Steve.


Dear Steve,

I don't know what to say. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. But I guess that's how you wanted it to be. Don't worry I'm not angry.

I know you don't want to hear this, but I can come back. I've been saving up some money, and I have a break coming up. I'll come unless somebody tells me not to.

I don't know what else to say... I'm so sorry Steve. I wish I could do something, anything. I hope you write back to me soon. I understand if you don't though.

I miss you.

Can you do me a favor though? In my old room there's my piggy bank. You know the one you and Bucky got for me when I was four? There's some money in it. Can you take out however much is needed, and buy the biggest bouquet of flowers you can find and put them on your moms grave? I would appreciate it if you did.




We're off to see the wizard...


After that there wasn't anything else to do but what a normally do. I wouldn't get a response for at least a week. It takes awhile for the letters to go back and forth. So I just went on. Waiting for a letter.

And eventually I got one.


Dear Adelaide,

I'm so sorry that I haven't written in awhile. Ok for a very long while. Ok two years. I'm sorry. I don't think saying it will make up for it though.

Thank you so much. You kept writing even though I didn't. It means a lot to me. My mom pretty much yelled at me when I didn't write to you for so long. And let me tell you... It was scary.

Thank you for the flowers. She would've loved them. I miss her so much Lady.

I thought you would like to know. But Bucky and I got an apartment together. You probably know about your parents talking about moving so Buck and I decided it would be best. I don't know if your parents are moving out. But if they do... Bucky said to tell you we have your things.

I also went back to school for art. I left when mom got sick. But I went back. Thought you'd like to know.

I don't know what else to say. But I hope you can forgive me for not writing. And don't leave England. You need to finish school. It's your dream. Save that money for when you need it. I'm ok. When we sent those letters my mom had been buried for three weeks.




The wonderful wizard of Oz... :)


I was so happy to receive a letter from Steve. He was right, my parents moved. I have no clue what they're thinking, but they moved to Italy. Something about how they love the food and churches. Bucky and Steve got an apartment together and still live in New York.

My Sweet Captain a Steve Rogers love story, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now