Chapter 26

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        Steve woke up in a hospital room. He looked around and saw that he was in New York. Then he heard the radio playing a baseball game. 

                "There's a pitch, it's a ball high outside.

                So, the dodges tied four to four.

                At the count no doubt, one swing of his bat.

                This fella is capable of making it a brand new game again

                Just an absolutely gorgeous day here at Ebbets field.

                Philly's have managed to tie it up four to four.

                But the Dodgers have three men on.

                Pitch, it's a strike.

                He leans in, here's the pitch,swung on, it's a line drive.

                It gets past Grissom.

                Rizzo will score, Reiser heads to third.

                Durocher is going to wave him in.

                They look to relay but they hold steady.

                Pete Reiser with an inside the park..."

        Steve looked up as a woman walked in. "Good Morning." She said. Then she checked her watch. "Or should I say, afternoon." She corrected herself. 

        Steve looked at her strangely. "Where am I?" He asked suspicious. 

         "You're in a recovery room in New York city." She told him. 

                "The Dodgers take the lead, it's eight to four

                Oh ho, dodgers!

                What a game we have here today, folks.

                Fine game indeed."

        He heard the end of the game and became even more suspicious. "Where am I really?" He asked. 

        "I'm afraid I don't understand." She said slightly alarmed. 

        "The game. It's from May, 1941 I know, 'cause I was there with my girlfriend. Now I'm going to ask you again. Where am I?" Steve asked. 

        "Captain Rogers" The woman said worried. 

                "Who are you?" Steve asked. Then he stood up and ran ot of the room. He looked around and saw that it was fake. He began to run. 

        "Captain Rogers, wait." The woman called him. "All agents, code 13."

                Steve ran out of the building and into the street. He looked around and saw a different world. He ran even faster and was then cornered by balck cars. 

        A man with an eye-patch stepped out. "At ease, soldier." He said. Steve didn't relax though. "Look I'm sorry about that little show back there, but. We thought it best to break it to you slowly." He tried to explain. 

My Sweet Captain a Steve Rogers love story, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now