Chapter 13

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We ran over to Mary. "Steve go and call an ambulance!" I told him. He nodded and ran to the phone. When we got to Mary, she was barely awake.

"Bucky, hold her head. Keep her awake." I told him. He didn't move, he was in shock. "Bucky!!!" I shouted at him.

He looked at me, yup he's in shock. "What's going on? What happened to Mary?" He said.

"Bucky listen to me! I need to try to heal her." I shouted at him. He still didn't do a thing. So, I did the only thing I could think of to knock him out of it.

I slapped him. (You know I've wanted to do that myself as well...)

He looked at me shocked. "Lady! What'd you do that for?!" He asked angrily.

I pointed at Mary. He looked at her shocked. I smacked him again. "Don't go into shock!" He just nodded and picked up her head gently. "Do whatever you can to keep her awake." I told him.

"Ok." Bucky replied.

I went over and grabbed a box and put her legs up. Then I tried to heal her. Steve ran back. "I called an ambulance. They should be here soon."

I nodded. "Good, go and watch for them. When they get here lead them to us." i said while I looked at her injuries. She had internal bleeding and a lot of cuts and bruises. Broken bones, lots of broken bones. I'm horrible at healing those. But I tried, I just hope I don't make it worse. 

He ran off to go and watch for them. As I was healing her I noticed a big problem. Her spine, it almost snapped in two. I immediately stopped healing her. If I tried to do anything else, I would probably kill her.

        When I took my hands off Bucky looked up at me. "What's wrong?" He asked.

          At first I couldn't answer. Tears were streaming down my face. Here I am, a healer. I can heal almost anything. I healed Howard when he was on the brink of death. But I can't heal her spine. I don't know how. It's so much harder than healing just normal broken bones. 

        "Lady what's wrong?!" Bucky demanded. 

      I gave a little sob. "I can't heal her Bucky. I don't know how to do it without killing her." I said between sobs. He just stayed silent. 

        Mary reached up and grabbed my hand. "It's ok Lady, it's not your fault." She said. I just cried harder. "it'll all be ok..." Mary said, but then she passed out.

        Bucky and I tried to wake her up again. But we had no luck. All we could do now was wait. We didn't have to wait long.  Soon after she passed out the ambulance came and brought her to the hospital.


We sat waiting in the hospital. As soon as she got here, they wheeled her in for surgery. I sat with Steve, his arm around me. Bucky as pacing back and forth. He kept on saying how it was his fault. Something about he should've asked her a long time ago.

The doctor walked in. We along with five other groups looked up. "Mary Smith?" He said. We stood up, the other people looked disappointed.

"You're the family?" He asked.

We nodded. "We're the closest thing she has to it now."

He nodded sadly. "I'm afraid that she doesn't have much time left. She's slipped into a coma, and nothing is helping her. Her spine was almost snapped in two. There's nothing we can do to repair it without killing her. There's nothing more that we can do. We've given her some medication to help with the pain." He told us sadly.

Bucky looked heartbroken. I just cried some more. "Can we see her?" Steve asked.

"Once she gets out, then you can see her. So in about twenty minutes." The doctor said.

"Thank you." I said. He nodded and went to leave.

"I'll have a nurse come get you when you can see her. I should warn you though. She's not going to make it. You'll be lucky if she lasts through the night." He told us as he left.

So we sat down and waited. When the nurse said we could see her, I almost wish I hadn't. Mary had wires around her body. She was so pale. Her normally vibrant red hair looked dull, her skin almost transparent.

I started crying again as Steve held me close to him. Bucky sat in the chair beside her bed and sobbed.

This was just to much. First my parents, now my best friend.

Mary died on November 20th, at 8:27 a.m. The doctor was right. She didn't last long. She stayed alive for three days. I never got to say goodbye... A week after that we got a letter confirming my parents death. At least they won't have to suffer through this war.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Bucky asked.

"I don't have much of a choice. Besides, Mary would want me to."

Steve gave me a hug and kiss wishing me luck, and then I was off. I am supposed to meet the people that I'll be working with.

So here I am, in a taxi. Lord help me...

I walked into the meeting room and was met with a very big surprise. Sitting in the room was Howard Stark, Margaret Carter, Dr. Abraham Erskine, and some random colonel.

I stared at them shocked. "Well don't say hi to us, obviously you don't want to see us." Howard said sarcastically.

I glared at him. Two could play at that game. I ran over to Peggy and Dr. Erskine. "Peggy! I missed you so so much!!!" I told her enthusiastically.

Then I hugged Dr. Erskine. "I miss you so much you two." I told him, almost in tears. I was so afraid I lost him. He's the closest thing I have left to a father now.

I turned to the colonel. "I don't believe we've met. I'm Adelaide Barnes." I said to him.

He smiled at me. I got the feeling he didn't smile much. "Colonel Philips." He answered.

"Nice to meet you. My brother wants to throttle you..." I said kindly.

He laughed. "And why would he want to do that?"

"In the letter I was sent, it was signed 'Colonel Philips' he went into a rage, yelling and such." I said.

"Your brother sounds rather interesting." Dr. Erskine said.

I laughed. "That he is."

"Well as much fun as it is catching up. We should get down to business." Colonel Philips said. I nodded. "We've asked you to come here Adelaide because we need your help. The US government would like you to work with Dr. Erskine on the super soldier project. You both will work with Howard Stark when needed."

"Of course Adelaide, you don't have to do this. You can always walk away. We will not make you do this." Dr. Erskine said.

"It's completely up to you Lady. You can walk away. No questions asked." Howard said.

I looked at them. I could walk away, but I'm not going to, it's not the right thing to do.

"I'll do it."

"Excellent. I wouldn't want anybody else by my side working on this." Dr. Erskine said.

I smiled. "When do I start?"

"We'll have somebody pick you up January 7th. That way you can get everything in your life in order." Colonel Philips said.

I nodded. "Alright, is there anything else?" I asked.

"No you're free to go." The colonel told me.

"Allow us to escort you out." Howard said holding out his arm. I ignored his and took Dr. Erskines instead. What? I was still annoyed with him.

My Sweet Captain a Steve Rogers love story, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now