Chapter 17 Captain America

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I giggled at Howard's antics from backstage as the girls ran up, I almost burst out laughing when he kissed one of the girls. I sighed typical Howard, always the flirt. I watched for awhile longer, then I had to go back to work. We were recruiting and I was on brake. I've been on brake for about fifteen minutes of my hour brake, but I'm bored so might as well go back to work.

I was stamping a A1 on one guys form. He was a somewhat kind person, but he wasn't what I wanted. Unfortunately they told me that I need to admit at least five men... Stupid government, they're only looking at the physical attributes of the men. They're not looking at the men themselves, most of them are bully's because they've always been this strong.

There was this one man who somehow made it through. I think his name was Gilmore Hodge. Aweful man, started hitting on me the moment he saw me. He regretted when he kept persisting. Let's just say, he's lucky he can still have children. I'm not that cruel. Usually.....

I was about to make my way into another exam room when I heard familiar voices talking.

"You really gonna do this again?" That sounded like Bucky...

"Well it's a fair, I'm going to try my luck." And that sounded like Steve

"As who, Steve from Ohio?" Yep, definitely Steve and Bucky. I was about to walk out and talk to them when Dr. Erskine held me back. I looked at him confused. He held a finger to his lips and indicated that we should watch.

"They'll catch you or worse they'll actually take you." Bucky said. I looked at Abraham annoyed. Why are we spying on my boyfriend/fiance and brother exactly?

"Look I know you don't think I can do this." Steve said. My heart broke a little at that. I believe in him. I always will. I don't understand why Bucky won't.

"This isn't a back alley, Steve, it's war." Bucky said. Ah now I understand. Steve got beat up in an alley again, and Bucky had to 'save' him. I shook my head sadly, Bucky should have more faith in Steve. I missed the next few words they said.

"What am I going to do, collect scrap." Steve said. What are they talking about now? I looked at Abraham, he looked slightly amused. I wasn't sure if it was because of me or them... And because of his fascinating face I missed what they said again.

"Bucky come on, there are men laying down their lives. I got no right to do any less than them. That's what you don't understand. This isn't about me." Steve said.

"Right. 'Cause you got nothing to prove." Bucky said. Stupid brothers...

"Hey Barnes. Are we going dancing?" I heard some girl say.

"Yes we are." Bucky said. I think he turned to Steve, because he said this next. "Don't do anything stupid until I get back."

"How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you." Steve muttered. I laughed silently, that he is.

"You're a punk." Bucky said.

"Jerk." Was Steve's reply.


"Don't win the war 'til I get there."

I shook my head at their stupidity. Boys... I watched Steve walk past, probably to go try to join again. Dr. Erskine followed him. I figured that he would keep Steve busy for awhile, so I went to go see Bucky.

At first I couldn't find him, but then I found him and two girls. I got an idea (mind you a very evil one made by little sisters) and ran up to them and jumped onto Bucky's back. He and I fell over, knocking his 'dates' into the fountain by accident. Oops, evil sister...

My Sweet Captain a Steve Rogers love story, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now