Chapter 10

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Howard wasn't moving. I had my hands on the hole in his stomach, trying to stop the bleeding. Some shrapnel had gone straight through him.

Then Howard stopped breathing.

I froze, and then started CPR. (Did they have that technique back then? Idk). It wasn't working. Tears were streaming down my face. Then I stopped. I laid my head on his chest and sobbed.

Then I heard his heart beat. I froze, he started breathing again. I looked down at him, and moved my hands. I gasped. The hole in his stomach had healed. Howard opened his eyes.

"Howard!" I said.

He looked at me confused. "How am I still alive?" He asked.

"I don't know. One minute you stopped breathing, the next the hole in your stomach was gone." I said.

He was about to say something when another bomb landed. Not anywhere near us luckily. I helped him up, and we ran to the plane. We quickly got in and took off. There was another pilot, so Howard didn't fly.

We sat in silence for a few minutes. "How am I still alive?" Howard asked suddenly.

I shrugged. "I don't know."

"Tell me what happened after the bomb landed." Howard said. And so I did.

He looked at me curiously. "If you got thrown, why aren't you hurt? You don't even have a scratch." He said.

I gave him a weird look. "I did get cut." I said as I gestured to my body. I froze, where there had been scratches and some deep cuts, there was now smooth skin. "Well at least I was." I said confused.

"I think I know why I'm not dead." Howard sad seriously. I looked at him curiously. "You healed me."

I gave him a 'you're insane look. "Are you sure you don't have a concussion?" I asked him gently.

"I'm serious Lady! It's the only thing that explains what happened. Think about it, you can always tell when people are lying. Is it that far of a stretch to say that you can heal people? Look at me! I should be dead. But I'm not, you were the only other person there. It's the only thing that makes some sort of sense." Howard said firmly, quieting down at the end.

I was speechless. "I don't understand." I said.

"Neither do I. But we can't tell anybody. Who knows what may happen to you. Plus the Germans wouldn't want somebody like you against them." He said seriously.

I nodded. "Ok, but I'm telling Steve and Bucky. I'm going to be living with them now anyway."

After a few more minutes of talking we just sat there. The plane ride was long and boring once we got out of firing range of the Germans. Howard and I slept most of the time anyway.

We landed in New York. I talked to Howard and told him to contact me when they needed me. If they didn't I would become a nurse and go help our allies. After I said goodbye and thank you to Howard I got a taxi and made my way to Steve and Bucky's apartment.

I'm going home.



Bucky and I were waiting anxiously by the phone. We had just heard that England had been bombed. Adelaide was in the area that was bombed. I was drawing, and Bucky was pacing. We weren't sure if she was alive.

The phone rang and I jumped up as Bucky ran to it. He picked it up shakily, afraid of what he might hear.

There were incoherent words on the other side. Bucky listened, then his face became one of shock. Then sorrow. "I understand." He said quietly. Then "Thank you."

When he hanged up I looked at him terrified. "They can't find her. They think she's dead." Bucky said, his voice breaking a little at the end.

I sat down on the couch. She can't be dead. A tear slid down my face. I looked up at Bucky, unshed tears in his eyes. Along with anger.

"Bucky?" I questioned.

He walked over to the mirror in the hall and glared at it. At himself. "I promised her. I promised her I would always protect her." He turned to me. "I promised her Steve, and now I've broken that promise." He slid down against the wall to the floor. His head in his hands broken.

I didn't know what to do. I stood up, and then the bell ringed. Bucky stood up and went to his room. Not answering it. I sat back down, I wasn't going to answer it.

It rung again. I ignored it.

And again.

And again. Why won't they just leave.

Then there was banging on the door. Bucky came out of his room, angry. He opened the door about to shout at the person to go away when he froze.

I stood up curious, the only person who could make him freeze would be Mary. But she's working right now. I walked to the door and looked around Bucky to see...


She smiled at us and gave a small wave. "I'm back."



I rang the bell at Steve and Bucky's new apartment. They didn't answer. I furrowed my brow in confusion. I looked down at the letter Steve sent me, double checking that this is the right address. It was.

So I rang again. And again. Once more. I groaned in frustration. I know they're home! I saw Bucky's car parked out front.

I started banging on the door. I swear if they don't answer soon I'm gonna start yelling. Trust me, they don't want that to happen. I was just about to start yelling, the neighbors must think a crazy person lives here. I opened my mouth and the door was yanked open by a very angry looking Bucky.

He was about to yell at me when he froze. I looked at him confused. He looks like he's seen a ghost. I was about to ask if he was ok, when Steve appeared next to him. Steve froze at the sight of me. All color (what little there is) draining from his face.

I smiled and gave a small wave. "I'm back."

Then Steve passed out.

My Sweet Captain a Steve Rogers love story, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now