Chapter 8

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Dear Steve,

See I'm writing everyday like I promised. I wonder if you've gotten all of my letters yet... I met my roommate, her names Peggy. She's really nice. Strong willed is a good word to describe her as well as independent. We get along really well.

In my last letter I told you about my apartment. Well now I can tell you about my first classes. They're a lot harder than anything I've ever taken. But they're a lot of fun. So far I've taken a biology class, a literature class (for fun) and a mechanics class. They're all really good. We found out that we will be having a guest speaker come every now and then. You would not believe who it is. I'll give you a hint... He's rich and a playboy.

Howard Stark.

I had heard rumors that we could have him as a teacher. Well more like a guest speaker who would hit on all the girls. But I didn't think they would be true. Not sure if I'm looking forward to meeting him or not.

I want to write more, but I have some books to read for literature and such. I also want to read a bit of the book for tomorrow's class with Dr. Erskine. We'll be with him all day once a week. Can't wait.

I miss you all a lot.




I finished my letter to Steve and mailed it off. So far I've not really written to anybody else. I did write one letter addressed to everybody back home so that I don't feel so guilty. Tomorrow is my first class with Dr. Erskine, I'm so excited. I heard that he was brilliant.


Dear Steve,

It has been confirmed that we have Howard Stark as a guest speaker. I don't really care. I mean he's brilliant and all, and the best mechanic in the US. But all the girls are going bonkers over the fact that he's coming. I on the other hand couldn't care less. Now if they had Henri Louis Le Chatelier as a guest speaker... that would be great. But sadly he died about three years ago. Joseph John Thomson, now that would be a good guest speaker.

But luckily we have Dr. Erskine. He's just brilliant, a really kind man as well. He's rather funny to. He said that at the end of our schooling that he would chose one of us to be his assistant. I wonder if he'll chose me...

How is it back at home? I haven't heard from your mom yet. Is she ok? I miss you guys. From what I can understand from Mary's letters, she and Bucky are getting rather close. Hopefully he won't mess it up.

Well I have to go, gotta study. I miss you a lot!




I sent letters to everybody, and one to Steve everyday. Just like I promised. In return he's replied everyday for the past four months. It's amazing what I've learned during that time. I've learned more in these months than I had at school my first year.

Peggy is an awesome roommate. If we're not studying or something that requires work. We're talking. She's become one of my closest friends, I'd say she's tied with Mary. But don't tell either of them that.

School is great. Dr. Erskine is amazing! He's the best teacher I've ever had. By far his classes are the best. And, he's taught me things other than science. He's taught me what a good person is like, and other things like that. It makes me realize just how wonderful Steve is.

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