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Isabel's POV ~

There was a small buzz of excitement going around the pack today as a new pack was visiting, I couldn't remember the name. I sighed, this meant more work for me because I was the one who had to clear the meeting room.

I grabbed the broom from the store cupboard and started to brush the floor of the meeting room. I was also a guard so I would have to watch over the boring meeting. Once I had finished brushing the floor I grabbed a plastic bag and shoved all the rubbish into it.

A lot of the teens like to hang out in the meeting room as it is open to all when the alpha isn't using it. The teen wolves here use it as a hotspot for all teen wolves that are classed as 'cool'. So basically the rebellious teens hang out here and make a massive mess.

I sighed and grabbed a wet flannel and some washing liquid. I placed the wet flannel onto the table of the meeting room and then put the washing liquid on the floor. I began to grab the decorative banners that were around and I flew them over my arm.

I took them to the washing machine along with the washing liquid and threw them inside. I sighed as I placed the liquid into the small tub and turned on the washing machine. I headed back to the meeting room, en route grabbing a table cleaning liquid and a J Cloth.

I began to wash up the tables grunge and god know what that was sitting on top and then grabbed the flannel. I placed it under one of the wobbly table legs and finished of my cleaning. I went back to the alphas office and bowed my head

"All done sir!" I muttered.
"Good well done!" He then threw a coin my way. "There's your payment for today. You are off duty now" He ordered me around like a rag doll.

I sighed and went into the living room landing on my foot awkwardly. I pulled it out as pain shot up my leg and then readjusted my position. I grabbed my phone out my pocket and checked up on things.

14 missed calls from poppy... I sighed once again and rang her. She picked up almost instantly.
"OH MY GOD IZZY!! There's a hunk of a guy at work and he's my new boss!" She screamed down the phone. I laughed at her, she sounded like a teen again

"Pops... Is he your mate." I asked, this was the only bit of werewolf cultures I liked! It mean that all that drama from finding the 'one', that was covered by the moon goddess.
"I think so! he looks amazing to me so can you give me a few tips!" She replied.

I knew for a fact most werewolves muttered the words mate when they found them so I gave her some of my useful advise.
"Just walk up to him and say hi, if he mutters mate then he's yours!" I ordered her.

Soon enough the alpha was calling for me again so I ended the call and went into the office.
"Isabel we have had a change of plan... The pack that we are making peace with are gonna come late tonight. Do you think you could stick around?" He asked me actually kinda politely.

"Sure I have nothing better to do." I muttered sarcastically.
"Okay, just take them to the spare room upstairs, there are 3 coming" He explained as he grabbed his keys. I think he was taking his son to some sort of club. I don't know.

"settle them in to their room, the alpha is called Alpha Ricky and his beta is called Jason. They are bringing a guard called Kasey! Good luck." He said as he grabbed his sons hand and dragged him out the door.

Great, more work for me! I walked up the stairs and into the spare room. I changed over the bed sheets and put some spare towels on the bed. I grabbed 3 spare toothbrushes and tied a label round them all.


For some reason I didn't want to write the names, one of the names felt warming to me but I couldn't put my finger on what one. I knew that maybe one could be my mate, or just a long lost friend.

Werewolves can feel these feelings when it's their mate or an old family member or an old friend that you haven't seen in a while. I reckoned that one of these might have been a friend from when I was at primary(pre) school.

I left the bedroom and went into the alphas sons room. I tidied the floor so that the wood was visible and I cleared all the toys from the disheveled shelves. After cleaning the bedrooms I went back downstairs to the washing machine peeping at me.

I sighed and ran over to it, turning it of and taking the banner decorations out. I took them back to the meeting hall only to find 5 teenage boys inside. I shooed them out but they were not as adamant for leaving as I was.

"Look lady you don't have the right." One of the boys said while chucking a fag on the floor. I gave the kid a deathly yet sweet glare.
"Look KID, i'm just doing my job, this is how I get payed. NOW CLEAR OF BEFORE I GET THE ALPHA!" I shouted at them.

The boy who was talking before stood up and put his arms in the air defensively. I wasn't very tall but my height didn't matter! I was strong and that's what counted.
"Okay okay crazy lady!" He muttered that last bit but sadly that was my last straw.

I lifted my fist and punched his face, knocking one of his teeth out. Before everyone started panicking I gave him a  copy of my contract.
'If anything gets in the way of your job you have permission to attack' I made sure he shoved it in his pocket.

Once the boys where gone I swept the floor yet again and began to thread the banners onto their wooden poles. Once I had finished threading them I hung them up one by one colour coronated. I stepped back to look at my work then that's when I smelt the most amazing smell.

It smelt like everything I loved, roses, lilys, Chocolate, sweets, sugar. Everything and anything!

I couldn't help but follow this wonderful smell and it lead me to 3 men.
"Hi there ma'am I was wondering is the alphas house nearby?" The tallest man asked.

I looked down to where his hands were and they where on the back of a wheelchair that held the most handsome man I had ever met.

I smacked out of whatever daze I was in and lead the three there, this was obviously Alpha Ricky, Kasey and Jason I smiled at the last name that I thought of. But which one of these men where Jason...

Once we got to the front door I let them in but the man in the wheelchair stayed behind and so did the smell. My wolf began to stir. Something she NEVER did as I looked into Jason's eyes.

He tried to get out of the wheelchair but I pushed him down almost instantly by instinct. I hugged him without even realising. I pulled away soon after realising what I had done.

Before I could fully get away the man had grabbed my hand and pulled me onto his lap. I had no clue why he was in the wheelchair and was scared that I was hurting him and tried to get away.

He pulled my head into his chest and I relaxed a little.

Isabel! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING! I screamed at myself. My eternal mind having world war 3 was not a nice experience.

Then it happened.
"Mine... Mate..." The man in the chair muttered into my hair.

It was clear what I was to him... I had a mate!?

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