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Isabel's POV ~

I thought about how Jason must be feeling all of that day and for the weeks that came. During this time Poppy found her own place in the pack for a while before she began to look for her mate. Jason has been telling me he had a phone call from Ricky, he is alive but... Jason didn't want to continue.

He had been preparing the worriers all week and i haven't spent any time with him. I feel like i just need to do something with him, he's got so much in his shoulders at the moment. I got the car ready for a day trip out, just me and him, hopefully it would do ok.

After packing the car with a wind break and a picnic basket, i added in his shorts and my swimming costume. Yes i wanted to take him to the beach. He had mentioned that he had started to have some feeling back into his legs, i feel like if he put his feet in the water he would like the feeling.

I have been doing a lot more research into werewolf culture and to be honest i am beginning to like it but that's beside the point. The point is i found out that werewolves can swim even if they don't have feeling in any of there body instinct can take over in water. I liked reading this, it gave me hope for Jason.

That morning i was up at 5:30 because i got the car packed up before Jason had come down. By the time i was back indoors he was eating breakfast.
"Were where you?" He asked worry in his voice.
"Just out to the car, i wanna take you somewhere today." I smiled at him as i gave him a hug.

He hugged me back by wrapping his arms around his back and onto my belly. I laughed as his hand eye coordination failed him and he thwacked my stomach.
"I am sooo sorry!" He apologised over and over.
"It's okay it didn't work." I reassured.

After a while i packed him into the car as well and i began to drive us out so somewhere i used to go to when i was still with... never mind. He looked out the window as i pulled up onto a private beach that was isolated from the town nearby.
"This is amazing!" He muttered under his breath.

I helped him out the car and into his wheelchair and with that set up the wind break and a few towels for us to lay on. I gave him some sandwiches for him to eat and smiled. I finished mine before him and as he finished his i wheeled him down to the shore line.

I took him out of the chair once he was done and carried him with my wolf strength to were it was deeper. I placed him down and a big smile crept across his face.
"I researched it." I blushed.
"I can move... I feel like a real person again.." He murmured as a small tear slipped out his eye.

"It's not a problem..." I muttered. We spent that whole afternoon splashing and playing in the bay. We didn't stop until our teeth chattered and his wheelchair was completely underwater. Luckily i found it and placed him in it wheeling him back up to were we where pitched.

I got him out the chair again so it could dry in the sun and set him down on his towel.
"This has been the best." He sighed with relief in his voice.
"It's no problem." I replied thinking back to my childhood memories here.

"What's you childhood like?" I blurred out before i could stop myself. I then blushed, i had never asked him this.
"Well it was a little messed up, what with me messing up my legs and all..." He smiled at me as he indicated to them. I knew how he hurt them, he told me on our second day together.

"What else?" I asked as i hugged into him watching the sun set.
"Well my mum and dad died when i was 18. My dad had a sort of cancer which caused him problems until he died. Mum died of stress over loosing her mate..." He replied letting a unexpected tear slip loose.

He obviously was upset and i hugged him more for being so brave.
"Now enough about me" He sniffled "Tell me about you."


I jumped onto the sand castle, joy flooding over me. My twin brother laughed at me as i destroyed the work we had been doing all day. I was 9. We laughed as i ran onto the shore line and i flicked water at him. We swam into the water deeper and deeper as we went.
"Not much further now!" I heard mum scream at us both.

Just like us, we didn't listen. We went to far out and i swam against the current, screaming for my brother. Before i knew it dad had hold of my brother, that's all i could see from the amount of distance he had covered. He was miles away.

My mum grabbed me and pulled me to shore. She then screamed for my dad and brother but it didn't work. They where gone....

Suddenly she fell to the floor clutching her heart.
"He's gone..." She muttered as she passed away on the beach leaving me to stand by myself lost.

The thing was i never felt my brothers death...

"I- I can't." I cried as the tears welled up.
"I understand, tell me when your ready..." He muttered into my hair.
"We need to leave.. the memories are to much..." They had finally gotten the better of me.

I screamed into the night sky as Jason got himself onto the wheelchair. It was dark and i couldn't do it. Not anymore...

I shifted and ran home for 3 whole hours i was running. When i finally reached home Jason was sat there his arms out wide ready to embrace me.

And that's exactly what i did...

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