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Isabel's POV ~

Jason stepped forward wobbly and looked at me in my horrible state. I hugged Lizzie close as he gave a death glare to Edwin who soon let go of me. Before he walked of i Echoed some words through his ears.
"Your not my brother any more."

He growled at me.
"I will deal with you later!" He then laughed again. He crouched down low and snarled at Jason who had shifted by now and was staring him down. This is when i realised i hadn't actually seen Edwin shift.

I looked him up and down and suddenly realised this man wasn't even my brother. His fangs extended and his eyes darkened. His skin was always cold and so pale.
"Vampire..." I mumbled.

There was no way Jason could defeat him without getting seriously injured. I screamed out to him to warn him but he didn't listen. As Edwin's fangs dug deep into Jason's skin i screamed out one of the most horrific screams i have ever done.

He fell to the floor whimpers and he shifted back. He body flickered and it pained me. Finally my wolf came forward and i pushed the man with the tattoos out the way. I shook the bars and they came loose and i grabbed Jason.

I sucked all the blood out his neck and spat it to the ground. It tasted horrible. Edwin screamed at me not to and as fast as Jason had fell to the ground i was carrying him and Lizzie out through the crowds. However much i could suck at the blood the damage had been done and there was nothing i could do.

I carried him away with all the worriers that had knocked out the guards and we ran home fast. Edwin was still alive but i was free and it was unlikely that he will cross us again. Jason's body twitches but i felt the hole inside of me grow small again.


I sat in the waiting room of the surgery covered in the red blood from Jason and myself. Finally the doctor came out.
"Hello Isabel. I need to check you over, Jason is okay now though. We called in another Vampire who inspected him. Edwin hasn't put any poison in whatsoever." I sighed in relief after the doctor said this.

Then panic surged through me, my scars and wounds. The doctor would know about them.
"Please, i feel fine i just want to see Jason." I replied. The doctor then pointed to one of my new biggest scars that went across my chest.
"He abused you." The doctor said.

He handed me some sort of medication and said that i won't need checking over but i will need to take this. I simply took it and ran into Jason's room. He lay there lifeless and looking mentally drained with pipes going in and out everywhere.

I grasped his hand and he flicked his head over giving me a cheesy smile.
"Thank you." I muttered into him and hugged him. He didn't speak but he turned his head over to a cot which had Lizzie in.
"Thank you." He croaked back.

I smiled at him and tapped his hand.
"Get some rest i will sleep right here." And that's how i left him. I fell asleep for the best sleep in weeks on a blue chair next to MY mate in the hospital wing.

I loved him with all my heart.


It had been weeks now since the incident and i was still very tired from it. When i showed Jason my scars he almost wheeled to the door and shifted to finish the evil Vampire off! I managed to stop him with Calum who asked where daddy was going. He then cried saying he didn't want to loose 'daddy' again.

I loved Calum he was so sweet and underestimated. I heard Lizzie crying upstairs so i left Calum playing with Jason and went to see what was going on. She was in her cot and her bottle had ran out. I picked her up and placed her on my hip, carrying her and the bottle downstairs.

She gave a little happy giggled when i placed her on the floor for her to crawl around freely. Of course she crawled straight over to Jason and Calum, she was so nosy sometimes.

While she was exploring i was grabbing the milk out the fridge and putting it in the kettle to warm up. I waited for it to boil and while i was waiting i watched Lizzie clatter into Calum's train set and Jason trying to fix it while Calum scolded Lizzie.
Wait a second!
I grabbed Lizzie and told Calum off and he cried
"But mummy she broke my train settt"

I put Lizzie back down at the other end of the room to explore then decided against it and took her to her bouncer where i left her dangling and bouncing. Calum had calmed down now and was allowed to stay with Jason.

I finally went back to the kitchen and grabbed the milk, pouring it into the bottle. I gave it to Lizzie then smiled.
"Jason?" I asked.
"Yes?" He smiled at me.
"Are we good parents?" I said cautiously.
"Yes, You kept your baby from dying, you kept me safe, you sorted that situation perfectly. Your an amazing mum and you know it!" He replied with a grin on his face.

It would be stupid not to join in after that small speech. I smiled my smile and bent down to play with Calum for a bit while Lizzie bounced.

I gave Jason a kiss. Our family had grown so fast...

And i loved them all

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