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Isabel's POV ~

I woke up next morning to the screeching of car wheels outside the window. I turned over to find no one next to me, Jason's wheelchair wasn't here either. I decided to explore were he had gone and that's when he came out the bathroom.

I looked at the skin coloured body sat in front of me, both of us completely frozen. Suddenly I looked away to keep him some dignity after staring for around 30 seconds.
"WHAT THE HELL!" I screamed at him when I finally found my voice.

"I'm so sorry, I thought you where still asleep and I accidentally left my towel in here when I went for my shower!" He whimpered. Wait, wasn't he meant to be beta! Why was he so scared of me?
"I-Its okay.. I suppose." I said while chucking the white piece of fabric that I was guessing the towel in his direction.

"Ok." He said as I heard the towel get turned around his waste.
"Good." I said as I looked back. His eyes looked into mine and I felt the tingles rise out of my body again. I snapped out of the glare we gave each other and I squeezed past him and into the bathroom.

I decided to get up early after seeing what I saw this morning, let's just say I didn't want to see it again because he did have to get dressed after all. He couldn't just move around the house all day in a towel. I laughed at my thoughts as I moved the toothbrush around my mouth. Him in a towel all day sounds good to me...

I spat into the sink and took a swig of mouthwash. I spat that out and got undressed getting in the shower. I like having showers in the morning they make me feel fresh for the new day ahead of me.

Once I exited the bathroom I heard Jason moving around downstairs obviously cooking some sort of breakfast. I was surprised how well he coped with not being able to use his legs.

I got dressed and ran down the stairs following the sweat smell of pancakes. I was just so glad that I didn't have to worry about cooking them for a mean alpha and my flat mate anymore. I sat on the island in the kitchen and ate.

"Jason these are amazing!" I complimented and I wasn't even trying to make him feel better he was just a great cook. I swallowed mouthful after mouthful of the delicious food and when I was finally done Jason had already finished and was in the living room sorting his DVD player.

"Why don't you watch upstairs, better and bigger TV!" I spoke.
"Nah, this TV was my parents it's been with me since-" He cut himself of and then just looked down. I could tell by his body language that he didn't like talking about this.

I knelt down next to his wheelchair and looked into his big brown eyes, showing sadness and emotion.
"I may be a mate that doesn't like anything going on at the moment, but you need to know i'm here." I told him while placing a hand on his knee.

He cupped my hand into his large ones and let a tear slip down his face.
"Thank you..." Was all the words he could muster.


After what seemed like years of netflix, movies and youtube I was finally allowed out the house with Jason. The reason I had stayed in the house all this time as everyone had to know I was here before I could leave or I would have been hunted. Obviously this is a big job for 1 alpha so he has to hire a few people to get the word about.

Apparently not many people actually join the pack, which surprises me as all the houses are full of people. Apparently people in this pack bread like "freakin animals" I quoted Jason on that.

Anyway my first day out the house in 2 weeks, I was so happy that I was almost exploding. The thing is people needed to know I was here because I need to be mated into the pack, this means I need to finish the mating process before I can join.

Which sucks because I don't ever want to do the mating process, but this pack... I sighed, my mind was so conflicted and I really didn't know what to do.

Jason walked in, eyes black and mad. I knew he was mad, not because his eyes where black but because he was out his wheelchair! I ran up to him.
"Jason, sit down before you hurt yourself! What happened!" I softly told him. He sat like I asked and his eyes began to flicker from black to his brown colour.

"You calmer?" I asked as he clenched his fists then loosened them.
"They threatened you!" He screamed as his eyes flickered back to black.
"Who did?" I asked again softly.
"Your old pack..." He muttered as his eyes switched back to normal.

I sighed and looked at him.
"I'm tough, it will be okay!" I comforted
"Okay..." he muttered as I went back to grab his wheelchair. I sighed again, he was so sweet and kind and so caring but... werewolf culture.

I was so conflicted with myself I had no clue what I was going to do. I was so confused at this new life I had begun. Anyway I grabbed the wheelchair and took it back to Jason who got in it with ease.

"Thank you." He said, he sounded like he had gotten over it.
"You still want to go out?" I asked softly.
"Yes I need the air..." he exclaimed.

I wheeled him out the door and then he took over with his arms and we went to the stores, we both needed some new clothes...

My Disabled MateOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora