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Jason's POV ~

The new plan consisted of being human and hoping for the best. Izzy won't shut up about coming with us because James Jamie and Mason are all coming with us but i don't want her getting hurt.

I wheeled myself out the house and remembered Izzy doesn't have a key. I locked all the doors and windows so now she can't get harmed.
"Jason. Please let me come i feel awful not helping." She shouted through the only open window.
"It's to protect you, i can't have you getting hurt, i don't know what i would do with myself." I replied.

It was like pealing of a plaster... I told myself and i quickly moved my chair away from the house
"Please don't get hurt then Jason!" She screamed after me.
"I promise i won't get captured and i promise i will be coming home but i can't promise that i won't be hurt..." I muttered the last bit to her.

I then met all the other packs and worriers and lined them up ready for battle. I marched them for 3 days in total just to get to the dumb place. None of us could shift or use werewolf speed due to me being left behind. They needed me as a leader. This is why we only got there in 3 days. I hoped with all my heart that Izzy was doing okay on her own. Being away from your mate can cause great pain and my wolf is in healing so i can't feel it as much as Izzy can.

We stopped at the edge of the enemy packs borders and looked on into it.
"Now what?" Asked Jamie.
"Now the plan gets put in place." I muttered.
"Yes YES that's it!" Mason squealed. He was so sweet.
"ARCHERS!" I screamed.

Two of my archers came to the front and before the guards in the towers could say 'what' they where shot dead over the wall. Now of cause this will rise suspicions so this is why we had a wire attached to the arrows. We pulled the guards dead body's back over the wall and collected them at the bottom of the wall.

We waited 5 minutes to see if anyone would notice and no one did. I called forward our trackers, hunters and scouts to begin to work on the gate. They fiddled away until the gate came loose. I sent 4 men forward who where willing to take their lives and into the gate.

The rest of the army ran round the back and began to climb over the wall they had up to go into their main village. I had also left a few men with my wheelchair so it looked like i was there. In total there was an army of 29 men outside the main gate.
Then i heard a scream.
Guess that's now 28 worriers.

Not being in my wheelchair was difficult and my legs still didn't work properly so it was difficult but the muscles i had adapted on my arms came in handy. i climbed over the wall with ease and then got a few more trackers, hunters and scouts forward to find the prison or just find Rick in general.

One of the trackers soon came up to me.
"Rick isn't in prison, He's.. in the alphas house." The tracker trembled as he said this. I began to growled and i suddenly felt the need to kill.
"Stay here and fight this packs worriers." I growled at everyone.

Soon enough the enemies worriers figured out that at the front was a decoy. I ran back to the alphas house and knocked down the door.
"Where are you." I growled. then the lights went off and i don't remember much else...


Isabel's POV ~

I felt a pang of pain go threw my arm and i knew Jason had been hurt. I ran out of bed and toward the door pulling on the handle rapidly until i gave up. I slumped under the door then another pang went threw my leg.
I ran to the window and mashed it. I never promised i wouldn't come after him.

I jumped through and legged it toward the pack borders.
"Miss Jason said not to let you leave." Kasey said who was sat on the wall outside my house.
"I don't care! He's hurt." I then ran past Kasey and shifted. I ran as fast as i could through the forest trying to remember where exactly my old pack was. I found it with enough luck that the pain got stronger. I climbed over the wall and sat up there watching the scene that unfolded from above.

It was man against man free for all. There was blood coating the once nice lawn and most of the enemies soldiers where dead. I ignored the scene and let my wolf take me to Jason. She led my into the alphas house and when i looked through the window, a chill went down my spine.

Jason was laying on the floor red shirt and wincing in pain. He held his arm and leg into his chest and he was rolled into a ball rocking. Next to him sat Rick who looked the same way but worse.

He had cuts and bruises all down him and his head looked as if it had some sort of dent in it.

What did i let these boys into...

It's all my fault.

My Disabled MateNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ