Chapter 34.*

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I was going to have to face it. Everything from friends to the only family I have -- my mother. We needed to pack our bags and leave this temporary refuge for an unforgivable situation.

The anxiety is apprehensive as I squeeze Harry's hand that oversizes mine, fingers locked tight together. My face is neutral for once, dull and unapologetic. The exact expression Harry wears. Our silence leaving the inn and finding the bus stop back home made no difference in how much safer I felt with Harry along side me.

A problem I see is the codependency that this situation has invoked between us. I feel so much more relief when I look at him, a pressure falling from my chest. He stares so blandly at the world around him, tired green eyes lacking the conviction they would have. He's tired and unimpressed by the misery his family life has caused him. I can only hope he feels that relief, too, when he sees me.

I don't doubt it when his arm falls around my waist, pulling me snugly into his chest as we sit on the bus, the tall, lush trees passing by the windows in a blur. The sunlight that peaks just over the trees shuttling by, occasionally beaming down onto our skin. He lets go of my hand to touch my chin, his lips kissing the bridge of my nose in such a gentle, forceless way. I get closer, inhaling his familiar scent, my eyes drifting closed.

I got thirsty and asked for a water, getting one for Harry as he's fallen asleep against his seat, chin tipped up. I glance at him, watching his slumber disrupted by the creases between his brows even in his sleep. His chest rises and falls evenly, healthily. I keep reminding myself he's okay. Not in any way but physical, yes.

"Stop staring at me, I won't disappear," he says gently, voice thick with sleep. His eyes remain closed.

I don't mind his half-hearted attempt at banter but nothing makes me return the remark. "Don't say that. I'm petrified and you know it," I whisper, surprised at the way my voice cracks just slightly towards the end. Quickly, I uncap the water bottle I have fisted in my right hand and take a quick sip.

Harry forces his eyes open, still laying back as he turns his tipped head towards me, side-eyeing me with his dull green eyes. "I know. Bad joke," he whispers back.

I sigh, sniffling and feeling my face grow hot, eyes stinging. My nose scrunches slightly as I force out a soft, "I love you." He gazes over me, just staring and I add, "I want this to be over so we can be okay."

His turn to sigh. He doesn't say anything, only watches me quietly before leaning towards me. I feel his lips touch mine for a brief moment, so sweetly and too quickly gone. "Tara," he hushes when I'm clearly crying, but keeping my noises to a minimum. He grabs me and huddles me to him again, while I try to swallow down the lump in my throat. "I love you," he mumbles into my hair. "You can't imagine. I've been just about everything but considerate—"

"No, you have. In this situation, you've been just considerate enough like anyone would be," I insist quietly. "I don't know how to handle this. I want to call the cops, but she just..."

"Always ahead..." he mutters. "She mentioned your mum, no? Can't help but think she's just saying that to keep us from going to the police."

"She just said a lot of things, Harry," I shakily sigh, grabbing his hand in mine, laying them on my lap. "My mom is probably worried sick about us. Erin, too? I don't doubt they've called the cops themselves. What could Katherine possibly gain at this point?"

"The lack of tangible proof," he says. "We have nothing to prove she's at fault for any of this. Every single fingerprint was Kennedy's. They made sure he'd take the blame even if he didn't want to."

"Like a self-destruct button just in case it went wrong. She's clever," I bitterly say. "We know she found Howard's body in the cabin...can't believe I just said that," I whisper to myself, then. But Harry's close enough to hear. He gazes around us before raising his eyebrows, blowing air through his lips. "We're falling into every trap she sets." My eyes stare directly into his.

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