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Word Count: 4326

Hey baes <3 I've finally finished writing this chapter!!!! I'm sorry I took so long 😓😓 and I'm sorry for making you wait 😖 I hope you'll be satisfied with this chapter, though, cause I've thought through a lot and experienced quite some to write Kat's feelings out.


Please don't forget to leave a vote and comments, and I'll see you soon 😚😚

Jacee ❤

Chapter 15:

Useless Wishes

˝Kat, wake up,˝ someone nudged my shoulder.

          I opened my eyes. It was Violet. Pushing myself up from my previous position, I realised how painfully my neck ached. Then, I noticed the way Violet was looking at me. It was a mixture of sadness and pity. I didn't like it. So I tried to say something to break that gaze she gave me, I really did, but it was useless. I didn't even have the energy to open my mouth. I felt like a mute person who was trying desperately to speak.

          Noticing my silence, Violet attempted to break it, ˝They want to give you a check up...˝

          There must have been something in my expression that made her change her tone when she said her next words, but I didn't know what.

          ˝We'll come right back after, I promise.˝

          I wanted to nod my head, to do anything at all, but I was frozen. It was then that the pain in my heart swelled. I hadn't even realised it before, but it was there. There was colour before me and there were sounds —even music, if I thought of it to be. But I didn't. Everything looked so plain to me, and the world seemed so dull despite all of it.

          ˝Come on,˝ Violet whispered, holding her arms out to me.

          I walked into them without hesitation and let her rub my back as she tried to get me to talk. Suddenly, she stopped in the hallway after shutting the door to Chase's ward, wearing a shocked expression. My vision blurred just then and she cooed to me gently, brushing the tears away. Why am I crying? Why do I feel like I'm in great pain? I didn't know.

          I let her lead me down the halls and into one of the other rooms, keeping silent the whole time. Not a word was exchanged between us. The supposedly short checkup seemed like it dragged on for ten years, and the doctor, too, tried to get me to speak. I had tuned both Violet and him out as they continued to talk about my condition. There really wasn't a condition for as far as I was concerned— it was just Chase.

          I knew it was clingy of me, but I couldn't bare losing anyone again. My maternal grandmother had passed five years ago due to diabetes and my paternal grandfather was nowhere to be found after he and my paternal grandmother had divorced. My maternal grandfather, I had never met. Word was he passed from lung cancer and diabetes while my mothers were still very young. And my parents... and Jake... I felt my chest tightening at the thought of them and guilt choked me up again.

          I gripped my left arm with my right hand and allowed my nails to pierce through the skin. I was not going to cry. My crying should have ended years ago.

          ˝... and if that doesn't work too, we're going to have to turn the machines off.˝

          Something surged through me, and for a mere moment, I could talk again.

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