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Word Count: 1912

Chapter 18:

All Better

May 18th, 2017

Chase and I lay on Melanie's bed, our heads angled to the side towards the ceiling-high window of the birthday girl's room that allowed us to see the small party going on below. Chase had recovered quite a bit from his coma, but still needed assistance and supervision on moving around, prior to the doctor's instructions. Physically stressed out due to a little over a month of staying in the same position, Chase was extremely tired and couldn't help falling asleep practically everywhere.

          His lips were slightly parted as short breaths were puffed out from them. Looking at the beautiful boy in front of me, I couldn't help but smile, for all the things he had done for me. For all the memories we have made. For him, because he was my everything.

          A lock of his chestnut brown hair fell out of the fixture and onto his forehead. I noticed it almost immediately, my fingers reaching out to brush back his hair on instinct.

          ˝AHHHHHH! ASHTON YOU FREAKIN' PRICK! WE'RE SUPPOSED TO BE ON THE SAME TEAM YOU DUMBASS!" I could hear Melanie screaming from downstairs.

          Looking out of the window, I saw said boy mockingly screaming in a high pitched voice and dashing away from the birthday girl just as the tip of her gun squirted water. I laughed at the exchange, making a mental note of the new ship. Suddenly, I felt something soft brushing my left arm. Just as I was looking down, Chase's eyelids slid open, his chocolate brown eyes staring at me warmly. I smiled at him, and he reflected it back.

          ˝Well someone's finally awake,˝ I teased him, gently lifting up his head to remove my arm from under it.

          Grinning at me goofily, he cutely mumbled an apology. I shook my head to signal that it was fine for him to use my arm as a pillow. Besides, I've used his more than I could ever count ever since we started sleeping on the same bed during sleepovers.

          Sitting up, I stretched my sore arm a little, ˝You must be hungry, aren't you? I mean, you've basically just hibernated for three whole hours.˝

          Chase nodded his head, his curls shifting around on his forehead as he forced himself into a sitting position. Hooking my arm around his waist as a support, we slowly made our way down the stairs. The parquet flooring was wet from the water fight that seemed to have started inside the house.

          It took much effort and time, but we managed to get to the backyard, where a buffet had been laid out for self service. After leaving Chase on one of the garden chairs, I made my way to the food, taking two plates and balancing them on one arm while scooping up the homemade delicacies.

          ˝KATRINA'S HERE!" Violet screamed in excitement.

          Not bothering to turn around, I just raised my voice so they could hear me while continuing to move down the table and taking more food, ˝I swear to God if any of you get mine and Chase's food wet I will freaking kill you.˝

          ˝Okay!˝ Sherella yelled, and it wasn't long before I felt a wet pressure hitting all over my back.

          As they'd promise, the plates holding the food didn't get sprayed, but I did. These kids oh my freaking gosh—

          ˝You're all mean kids!˝ Chase laughed loudly.

          With finally filled plates, I turned around and glared at the 'water soldiers'. Thankfully, they halted the spray of water from their guns as soon as I turned around, so the food didn't get wet. After setting down the food on the coffee table and practically dragging it through the grass over to Chase, I made sure he had everything he needed before sprinting off and attacking Sherella with tickles.

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