Incomplete Completion

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Hey my turtles ❤️

I'm sorry but this story will be re written :(

Thankfully, on a different page

Some of your comments have been deleted due to my stupid thinking as I originally wanted to rewrite CTQ as SH right here but I realised the comments here are still for the old story

My heart literally burnt in my chest in pain when I did that and there's no way to retrieve your comments but I'm not doing anymore stupid shit.

I've restored this story for anyone who wants to read it and for my own memories ❤️ and I will rewriee on a new book draft :]

The rewritten version will be called Save Her. In that version, many redundant characters will be removed and the story plot will be altered a little. The first few chapters would seem to be totally different from CTQ, but I assure you it's more or less the same plot.

Okay, now for the explanation because all of you deserve to hear or at least get one

I first thought of writing this book when I was 11 years old(yes I came here at 11) and my thinking was really simple back then. I had read many teen fic stories, in which all the queens are bitches and seem to have no human heart, and I wanted people to see that that wasn't the case. I believed and still believe that everyone has a story. Everyone has a battle they're fighting. It's just a matter of whether the outside world knows of that lone battle fought by themselves. I felt sorry and disheartened that the Queen bs were always the 'bad guys', and I just wanted to give them a happy ending. However, I was only 11, and I didn't really know how to express what I wanted to write at that time. Now, at 13, my thinking has matured after taking Lit. My writing style has also changed a lot, and matured. Hence, I now know what and how I want to rewrite this story to be a better piece.

However, I don't want to delete this story. I can't believe I ever thought of that. But when my mother found out I was painstakingly deleting the comments(basically it felt like I was stabbing myself) she talked to me and had me understand that this story would be a good memory, learning experience and event for me to look back on when I grow older as I'd probably still be really passionate about writing then. So I've decided to restore this story. I've lost the old description so I had to do with what I vaguely remember, but the words in the chapters are the same because I've kept them(thank God)

I'm really sorry that I can't continue this story(believe me, I want to) but like I said, my thinking and writing style has changed a lot and I can't write the same way. It will always feel like dead alphabets to me if I continue writing this story. It has so much mistakes, but my mother reminded me that they are beautiful. I really wish I could've continued this story, though. It may be my seventh one, but it's the dearest I hold to my heart. Even after neglecting it for so long, I still roughly remember the plot and all the characters names...

All in all, I'll improve this story in the new version. But please continue giving me feedback, both here and there. Thank you so much, I love you guys and I'm so sorry.

Jacee ❤️



I've been trying my best to continue on from where I left off in save her but I can't find the right puzzle to fit into the plot... I actually have a book prequel to ctq/sh that I really wanna get started on but I can't write it if I haven't even gotten half of sh finished because the plot wouldn't flow... I think for now, I'll try to write a brand new short story to try and get myself into writing again because I'm pretty rusty, maybe then I can get my ideas back :] sorry if you were really keen on continuing save her, but don't worry I'm not giving up on it just yet ❤️

~much love from Jacee


Update #2:

I have decided to not rewrite ctq as sh, but there is a new story in preparation and I'm going to be especially careful with the planning for this one so be sure to click that follow button to keep up with the news!

much love,
Jacee 💙

Chasing The Queen [ DISCONTINUED ]Where stories live. Discover now