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19. Sharing is Caring

When I got home, I changed into a fresh pair of clothes

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

When I got home, I changed into a fresh pair of clothes. Before walking into the kitchen to make myself hot chocolate, breakfast, and feed Koda; who I could tell was mad at me for being gone all night.

"Guess what boy? Rebecca flying in today!" I say excitingly. Koda tilted his head at Rebecca's name. Showing me he loved her a little but more than myself.

I ate my frosted flakes quickly, chugged my hot chocolate, and went to find Koda's leash right after Logan texted me saying we're almost at your house.

My phone dinged and grabbed it to see Logan waiting outside. I clipped Koda onto the leash, grabbed my backpack I packed and was out the door.

Once Koda saw Logan, he began to pull hard against me, making me lose my grip.

He almost slammed him to ground in excitement and I wouldn't blame him. Logan snuck a treat out of his pocket and gave it to him. He ate it up quickly before running to greet my mom.

"And she's alive!" Logan greeted me in a giant hug.

"You have no idea." I chuckle, handing him my bag to put in the car.

Mom came out of the drivers side and ran to me in her white heels that I got her for Christmas last year. "Sweetie!"

"Hi mom." I hug her back. "Uh. Can't....breath."

"Sorry." She pulled off. "It's just been so lonely at home."

"Hey!" Logan yelled.

"Come on. We gotta pick up Rebecca." Mom dragged me to the car. Opened my door and before I could get in. Koda jumped up into the seat.

I pushed him the side, and shut my door. Petting Koda's ear.

"So how's East high suiting you?" Logan asked from the front seat.

"Definitely different than my old school that's for sure." I smile.

"Well it's not the same without you."

"You aren't going there anymore remember?" I laugh.

"Well your friends sure miss you." He jokes.

"Right." I grin.

My friends up at North high were not friends. In fact they only became friends with me because; one, Logan was one of the hottest guys there and he's my stepbrother, direct access to him there; and two, my mother is rich and when you're rich everyone wants to be your friend and invites you to parties. Probably the main reason I wanted to leave besides seeing my dad of course.

"The house is completely different since the last time you saw it, Jules." Mom told me.

"Mom and dad redid everything. You're gonna love it." Logan smiles back at me.

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