Greetings All!

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^^please don't get offended, I just love me some RuPaul lol-----

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^^please don't get offended, I just love me some RuPaul lol

Alrighty then, greetings all and thank you for stopping by! This is my first full length story that I've somewhat completed and have shared onto Wattpad, yay! So with that being said, here are some rules (I know, boo!):

1. Fair warning, to some degree, this story is unedited so proceed with caution and try not to be a grammar Nazi.

2. This is my main baby. I'm used to writing fanfiction so posting this type of story is fairly new to me so please patient with me.

3. No trolls! Seriously, not in the mood for you. I'm down for constructive criticism and potential ideas, but don't cross that line and this will run smoothly.

4. Copyright which I've explained in the first page. I've only posted it up here and unless it's by me, I don't want to see it elsewhere.

5. This will be mainly in 1st POV. I may switch on occasion, but I'll make sure to let you know or you'll be able to tell if that makes sense.

6. And speaking of the main character, I do want to point out that it is a plus size mixed race character. I feel that there aren't many plus size (let alone diverse) characters and I think that needs to change. If you don't like it then deuces.

7. Lastly (for now at least), I just want it put out there that I do not in any way, shape or form condone bullying. It is horrible and I've dealt with it personally; I'm very anti-bullying. And there will be major hints of that along with other triggers which I will warn you of in the future.

Ok, I think that's everything for now. Thank you all for checking this out and I'll do my best to update at least once a week. Also, please don't forget to share/comment/vote/ rate ^_^

P.S: If you are a fan of Supernatural or Harry Potter (which you totally should be), feel free to check out my fanfics as well ^_~

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