Chapter 16

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A/N: Omg, hi everyone! I greatly apologize for my delay in updating. I was in D.C. last week and then my work schedule has been on the wonky side. Anyways, in effort to make amends for my lateness, I will be doing a bonus update sometime tomorrow! *throws confetti* now, onward and be on the lookout for the back to back update 😘


"How do you know?"

12:31 pm; Hey! Just wanted to let u kno I'll b back tonite if u want to catch up? Lemme kno? :)

"Is something the matter sweet pea?" Clea asked, having heard me sigh. I locked my phone before taking another sip of my cocoa.

As proposed, Clea woke me up at around seven in the morning again so we could do some 'light' shopping before I decided to head back to campus later that day. While my physical form was with Clea, my mind was elsewhere. In between Ash and I making up plus my very strange semi-love triangle, my body was approaching sensory overload.

"Caya..." I began slowly as her focus settled on me, "how did you know that you loved mom?"

Clea leaned back for a moment, clearly puzzled by my question. However, she didn't take long to answer. "I've always loved your mother baby."

I held back the urge to roll my eyes. "I know that, but how did you 'know know' ya know?"

Clea chuckled before sipping her coffee. "Like really know?"

I nodded, "yeah."

"Hmmm," she paused, thinking for a moment. "Honestly, when I met you for the first time."

I perked up. "Really?"

Clea grinned. "Kind of. You see, after your parents got together, I thought that it would be easier to get over your momma. Cut all ties. Some years down the road, out of the blue, she called me asking to be a godmother. And when I saw you in her arms, it all came back."

I blushed, looking down at my cocoa. That was one detail they didn't share.

"You were the cutest little baby and brought out the best in your momma. I knew then and there that I couldn't leave, not again," she finished, patting my hand lightly.

"Thanks for staying," I replied softly.

"Always and forever baby," she smiled. "Why did you ask sweet pea? A little random don't you think?"

"Just curious."


"What?" I countered. "I love you and mom's love!" I exclaimed happily.

Clea sent me a familiar all knowing smirk. "Is this about that Johnny boy?"

My smile fell.

"I plead the fifth." I replied quickly earning a cackle in response.

"Oh child! This boy must be something else if he has you this smitten!" More than you know Caya.

"How does he feel about you?" Clea asked.

"Uh...erm, I-uh," I stammered.

"With the way you talk about him, it sounds like he feels the same," Clea interrupted.

"Well, he hasn't said those exact words..." I trailed off, letting the sentence hang.

"And why the hell not?" Clea snapped back. I could only shrug, unsure of how to answer. "It's a wonder I prefer pus-"

"Caya! Please don't!" I said quickly, not needing her to finish that statement.

"My apologies sweet pea," she muttered, her face set in line to keep from laughing. "Do you have a backup plan? Or backup penis I should say?"

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