Chapter 40

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A/N: Hello lovely readers! I know it doesn't seem like it but I am slowly (and surely) doing my best to catch up. My little peanut is a few months now and my oldest is learning to help out better. Ok, enough with the personal junk! You guys have been waiting oh so patiently for relief to that awful cliffy...hope y'all like it. Fair warning, more realness ahead.


"Forgive but don't forget."

It was near midnight when I pulled up to Mercy Medical Hospital. I parked near the E.R. entrance and cut the engine yet I hesitated on exiting. My breathing was heavy and thick while my hands were shaking all thanks to the added adrenaline flowing through my veins. Loosening my grip on the wheel, I left my vehicle and rushed into the hospital.

The scent of cleaner assaulted my senses, as did a deep rush of cold air against my face once I entered. My sneakers squeaked against the white linoleum floors as I walked down a corridor to an open room. To my left was the waiting room with polyester sled-base chairs and fakes plants in each corner. And to the right were three separate nurse's desks along with another set of wooden double doors.

I kept my hands to my sides as I walked to the nearest desk. A woman with pale skin and dark hair typed away on a computer while I patiently waited for her to finish. Unfortunately, that patience only lasted ten seconds when I began clearing my throat loudly. Her green eyes swiveled in my direction and seeing her face, I would guess she was late thirties.

"Can I help you sweetie?" She asked with a slight twang in her voice.

"Yes please," I breathed out, "I'm sorry to interrupt you but I'm looking for my, uhm" Was he still my boyfriend?

"A boy?" The nurse questioned.

I swallowed, "his name is Johnny Masters."

She faced her screen and typed a few keys before facing me again. "Are you Lenora Walker, his" she squinted back to the screen "his cousin?"

I shook my head. "No, she called me. Nor-Lenora, she is in New York with his sister and asked me to come here."

The nurse frowned. "I'm sorry sweetie but considering his condition, only next of kin are allowed to see him at this hour."

"His condition?" I squeaked. "What happened to him? Is he in a coma? Oh God, is he dying?" I cried, thinking the worse.

"Miss, I am very sorry but I cannot disclose anything-"

"But you don't understand! We had a fight you see and we did not make up yet! This...this isn't right! We need to fix things!"

I was in hysterics and the nurse was uncomfortable by my presence. She was standing now and looked ready to leap across the counter whether to console or silence me. My breath was coming out in rapid successions and my heart was thumping hard in my chest. Tears threatened to spill from my eyes as I stared the nurse down.

"Please, I beg of you...tell me he's ok?" I cried. "Please...I was stupid and I just-"

"You are far from stupid little duck."

I jumped at the voice. Turning around, I clamped my hands around my mouth to keep from crying out; Johnny Masters stood a few feet away from me, semi-hunched and was clutching his left side. All of his fingers as well as his face were scratched while there was a mix of purple and yellow bruises on the bridge of his nose and along his jaw. Yet despite all the cosmetic damage, he was still beautiful and I wanted nothing more than to hug him.

Extra Fluff (#Wattys2020)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora