Chapter 11

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A/N: Hello my lovely fantastical readers! This story just hit 2k and I figured why not share the excitement with an early update, eeeeep! Ok, yall are in for a treat :D so I will admit, this chapter is on the shorter side...buuuuuut, you'll get to see more into Johnny's character, yay! His character's perspective was fun to document and I hope ya'll like it! ;) also, I'd like to dedicate this chapter to CallinJay for the extra gigglefits! And since #johnnyisbae apparently teehee😂 do I smell a trend? 😄


"My knight in shining...flannel?"

'Johnny's POV'

"And Quicksilver strikes again!"

I grinned as I exited my silver GT500 mustang, rather pleased with myself. I finished the race early, essentially breaking the current time record. I mean, I am Johnny Fucking Masters. Of course I'd win. Not to sound cocky, but this was my ninth straight win and I had no intentions of slowing down.

"Quicksilver Masters, congratulations!" My manager/best friend marched forward with two thick stacks of bills. He handed me one while he pocketed the other. "Nice job," he praised.

"Thanks Marco." I replied, bumping his fist.

"Did you have plans tonight? I don't think I've ever seen you race so fast," he commented, leaning against my vehicle. "Do you have some pussy waiting for you?"

I rubbed the back of my neck, "not tonight..."

Or any night for that matter.

I haven't had any action in a couple months actually. Not since Lennon. In the back of my mind, even though I didn't admit it, I was hoping to spend the evening with her. She loved the holiday as much as I did and I was hoping to finish the 'job' so I could.

I smiled thinking of her. I haven't even kissed the woman yet and I was already beyond whipped. Marco blabbered on, talking about the 'willing tail' that surrounded us. I looked around. He wasn't wrong. Aside from racers and managers, plenty of females from blondes to brunettes to gingers wearing next to nothing (despite the cool air) eyed me like a piece of meat. And they were starved.

"Not tonight my man, I got plans."

Marco quirked a single brow. "So you do have some pussy waiting for you then?"

My jaw clenched. Marco didn't know about Lennon and despite the indirect comments, I didn't like his accusations. Lennon was different.

"Goodnight Marco." I stated, pushing him off my car. I started the engine and peeled off, leaving his waving figure in the dust.

I sped along the old dirt road past some abandoned farms, reaching my first stop light within a few minutes. Turning on my phone, I noticed the time and sent Lennon a quick text, praying to all the Gods that she was still awake. Once the light changed, I sped off. Seeing that I was ten miles from the campus did my phone light up. Glancing downwards, I grinned seeing who was calling.

"Good evening," I greeted, making sure to channel my inner Dracula.

Lennon laughed on the other end and I could swear my heart skipped at the sound. "Happy Hallows Eve Johnny!"

"So what do I owe this divine privilege of hearing your voice versus reading your words?" I asked, turning onto the East end.

I heard her scoff and I forced myself not to laugh. "If you want, I can hang up-"

"Don't you dare." I interrupted. "I have been driving so it works out."

"Oh?" She answered softly, going quiet. I fiddled with my window; she was expecting an explanation.

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