Chapter 4

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A/N: Hello lovebugs! Thank you so much for all the love, I greatly appreciate it and I hope you enjoy this one 😘


"What's fat and ugly? FUGLY!" 

One week passed by then another as we transitioned to September and life was becoming more routine. Ash and I had different class schedules, but we managed to use the weekends to catch up in between my job and her writing sessions. I was keeping up with my classes, especially the ones with Johnny.

I stacked the new supplies by the front of the store, smiling brightly. I found myself smiling a lot more lately. And then I realized that I was feeling at peace for the first time in my life, actually happy for once. My past was behind me and I was able to move forward. I guess that means Clea was right and that was something I couldn't tell her; she'd rub it in my face.

A loud double beep went off and I quickly stacked what was left in hand before rushing back to the register. A tall muscular figure with a mop of blonde curls waited at the counter. Something was familiar about that hair...

"Hi, how may I help you?" I asked from behind him. Once he turned around, my stomach dropped.

"Hey! Lenny right?" He exclaimed happily.

My eye twitched. "Lennon."

He smacked his head, "oh right, sorry. Lennon, nice to see you again," he grinned, leaning on the counter.

"Uh uh," I replied with a fake smile, "is there anything I can help you find?"

"I'm actually picking up an order,"

"Ok," I nodded, moving to the computer. "Last name."

"Peters. P-E-T-E-R-S."

"First name."

He scoffed, "you don't remember my name?"

I struggled to keep my tone even. "There are a dozen different 'Peters' in the system and I have to verify the correct one. It's protocol." And yes, I didn't care to remember your name.

"Oh..." he trailed off, "it'll be under Duke."

"Thank you," I replied with a suppressed eye roll. "I'll be right back."

I headed to the back room and even though there was a shelf aside for the shipments with Duke's front and center, I didn't want to go deal with him again just yet; my skin was crawling just being in his presence. I didn't get a good vibe from the guy and it didn't help that what he did to Ash was still floating around my brain. Letting out a breath, I grabbed his books then exited the room.

Plastering on a fake smile, I handed him his order. "Wow, that took awhile."

I ignored the comment. "Will that be all?"

Duke frowned, "trying to get rid of me, eh Lenny?"

"Lennon," I corrected through gritted teeth.

He waved me off. "I know, just trying out the nickname. See ya around," he winked, turning to leave.

"And that is the reason why my mother is a lesbian." I said aloud once Duke left. Or at least one of the reasons.

Aside from a few late night customers, the night passed by pretty slowly. And by 9'oclock on the dot, I was ready to close up. After finishing my closing duties, I set the alarm before quickly locking up shop. The book store was literally around the corner from my dorm so I stuck to the street lights as I walked to my dorm.

Turning my phone on, I noticed a stream of incoming texts:

4:12 pm; Hey Sweetpea! Just checking in, we miss you! We'll b waiting by the phone sun, ttyl :-*

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