Chapter 43

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A/N: Greetings lovely readers! Thank you so much for you patience in my scheduling adjustments. I'm hoping to re-transition back to updating every two weeks at least since we're approaching the end. Also, I have some exciting news concerning this story *insert drumroll here* after being posted just after two years, this story has officially reached over a hundred thousand reads! O-M-G! I am over the effing moon! Thank you all so very much, I would not have gotten this far if not for yall. And in honor of that milestone, I will be doing an extra update this week plus a possible double update in the restricted chapters for those that follow that. If you don't follow it, you so should but it's cool if you don't. Ok, that's all for now, enjoy!


"Party like a rockstar!"

~*St. Valentine's Prom*~

I am never going to doubt Johnny Masters again.

This was...this, everything...I Even my brain is speechless. The whole room was decorated in gold, white and silver that shimmered and shined against the black walls. A large dance floor was directly across from me while several circle tables were around the center and sides of the room. A large buffet table was near the back while what appeared to be an open bar was set in the corner.

Clusters of people, some familiar and some not much were dancing away. But as soon as I entered, the majority stopped their movements to greet me and wish me happy birthday. My hands shook as I brought them to my face to fan myself. I silently prayed that my eyewear was truly waterproof cause I was about to test the water resistance.

"Oh my god you guys!" I squealed aloud as my friends circled me. "This is beautiful!"

"Yeah, that boy if yours did a good job huh?" Ash stated, nudging my side.


"Do ya'll know where he is? I need to find him," I said, my eyes scanning the crowd.

"I bet you do," Monique muttered while Ash and Quinn shrugged.

They drifted away after a moment while I kept up my search, cursing every so often. The music pulsed, alternating between classic rock and the current mainstream. The crowds around me danced without a care in the world while distress bubbled up from within. And when I was close to giving in, I saw him.

Johnny was semi hidden away near the wall behind a large balloon arch. He was wearing a simple black suit with a blood orange dress shirt, unbuttoned, revealing his lightly freckled skin. He stiffened when he saw me yet made no move to run or look away; especially when I marched forward.

I both bumped and dodged partygoers as I crossed the dance floor, our eyes still locked on the other. A few people stopped me once more and I brushed them off as politely as possible. I was on a mission. Despite the changes Johnny has made as of late, I was still afraid he might be the one to bolt.

Fortunately for me, he didn't.

He remained still as I stood before him, my bottom lip trapped between my teeth. Johnny's gaze wavered for a moment locking in on my lip before meeting mine again. We both let out a collective breath and Johnny began fussing with his hair; he was nervous, so unlike him.

And I liked it. It was adorable.

"Look Lennon, I'm so sorry about earlier. I didn't know how to explain myself without-"

With a firm grasp to his cheeks, I pulled him down, my mouth enveloping his. I kissed him hard all the while making sure the kiss was filled with passion, heat and best of all, love. For once, I was in control of the kiss. I dominated his mouth and Johnny, although surprised, reciprocated.

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