Chapter 32

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A/N: Hello my dears! Firstly, I am so sorry for my delay in post, it has been a crazy couple of weeks but I have a surprise in plan for you guys so stay tuned. And secondly, this story has reached over 35K! Gah, I'm so excited! I know it doesn't seem like much to most people but I'm thankful nonetheless. Annnnnnnd I'm not like most people 😁 anyways, happy reading lovebugs 😉


"Have a happy (ish) new year."

While they say Christmas is mostly for the kids, the next holiday to roll around was for their parents. Yeap, I'm talking about New Years Eve. A holiday dedicated to final blowouts, food, drinking in gluttonous proportions and fresh starts. It also meant more business for my mothers. And that meant I was alone for the rest of the week.

It wasn't all bad though. I managed to get some assignments done for my future classes and I worked on some Spring sketches. I even reached out to Angela and had a lunch with her yesterday. A pretty eye opening lunch now that I think about it...

We met at the local sandwich and deli shop during her lunch break. And since mom was her employer, it was extended by an extra half hour. She greeted me with a giant bear hug before sitting across from me in the booth.

"Hey! You didn't wait long did you?" She asked.

I shook my head. "I just got here a few minutes ago so you're fine. I ordered two waters, that ok?"

"That's perfect! I was in a rush so all I've had was coffee today," she replied.

Our waiter chooses that moment to set our waters down and get his notepad out. "I see your guest is here, are you read- Angela? Hey!"

Angela smiled wide, "hi Todd! How are you?"

"I'm great thanks! Have a good Christmas?" Angela nodded, "cool!" He looked between us before apologizing fast. "Did you want your usual?"

"Yeah, that'd be great!" He nodded and took my order before walking away.

I faced her with a quirked brow, "you a regular?"

"Yeah. It's not far from the shop plus I know Todd from a few of my classes," she replied. "He's really nice."

"Uh huh..." I dragged out.

"What?" She asked, picking up on my tone.

"Oh nothing..." I sipped my water.

"C'mon Lennon!" She whined.

"Ok. Pretty sure he was being extra nice," I wiggled my brows.

Realization dawned on her face as she gasped. "Oh! Oh no no no no!" She exclaimed.

"He was gaga and I know gaga," I stated, thinking back to how Ash was when it came to Kane.

Angela squirmed in her seat. "Well, he isn't my type..."

I pondered that as I looked over at our waiter. He was olive skinned borderline golden with jet black hair that curled below his ears. His bright green eyes were alive as he shuffled behind the counter; his pearly whites formed a perfect smile. He's pretty attractive and if I didn't have Johnny in my life, I would try and fail at flirting with him.

"You said yourself that he's really nice and is obviously a looker!" I countered.

"Him having an extra Y chromosome deters from that," she flushed, not meeting my eye.

I blanked for a moment then felt embarrassed, "oh."

"Yeah, you have more of a shot to be honest," she joked. "But I wouldn't! You're cool and everything-"

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