Chapter 10

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A/N: Hello loves! In honor of the first day of October, here is another Halloween themed update, yay! I'm super hyped to share this one and I really hope y'all like it! But fair warning, toward the end, I just want to note that there is a slight trigger although its brief and mild for the most part. Anyways, onward and as always, thank you for stopping by 😘


"Competition? With that fat tub of blubber? Puh-lease!"

Same Place. Different Party. But this time, all the freaks came out tonight.

After hitching a ride with Quinn and Monique, who both applauded our costumes by the way, we headed straight for the party that overflowed with people. Parking down the block, further than last time, we power walked. And thankfully, we all had on sensible shoes.

As we walked, I looked closely at our different get-ups. Quinn was dressed up as Kim Possible with a black long sleeved crop top, beige cargo pants and black boots; her bright red locks were pulled to the side in a pony tail. I hyped up immediately seeing her and geeked out over my interest in the animation.

 I hyped up immediately seeing her and geeked out over my interest in the animation

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Monique on the other hand I respected deeply. While I am fully aware of my hippie heritage, seeing Monique in her costume resounded something deep within. Monique choose to dress up as a female Black Panther member. She wore a long black trench coat, black tube top, and black skinny jeans paired with combat boots with her hair puffed out naturally.

 She wore a long black trench coat, black tube top, and black skinny jeans paired with combat boots with her hair puffed out naturally

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We are a regular Motley Crew.

Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' came over the speakers as we entered and a good amount of people were dancing along. Angels, devils, nuns, animals, and all other random types littered around us. But in all honestly, most of the females were dressed in lingerie making me flash back to Mean Girls.

'Halloween is the one time of the year when a girl can be dressed as a slut and get away with it.'

Yeah, such bullshit.

Shaking my head, I returned to the party. Quinn and Monique were dancing barely a foot away while Ash was making a beeline to the hallway, turning heads as she went. Looking past her, I saw Kane dressed in his football gear. He smiled seeing Ash and that gave me hope. He nodded at whatever she was saying and at one point, he looked up catching my eye.

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