Chapter 16

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Ashley's POV

I got the call that Alex was in labor about 5 hours ago. We were just about to play a show in New York. I still played, but I didn't stay back for signing. I got a cab to take me to the airport, and booked the next flight to LA. I keep trying to call the hospital, but they keep telling me the same thing: There is no baby, but there should be one soon.

"Flight 9432 to Nashville, now boarding," a flight attendant says. That's where my layover is. I board with the rest of the economy class and a teenage girl sits next to me.

"Aren't you in Black Veil Brides?" she asks.

"Yes, I am," I smile.

"Aren't you supposed to be on tour?"

"Um, yes.. But my girlfriend is having a baby," I say.

"Oh, congratulations! I hope you get back in time!" she smiles.

I thank her and then she puts her ear buds in and I put in mine. I try to fall asleep on the plane, but I just can't stop thinking about Alex. I want her to have the baby now, so she won't be in pain any longer, but I also don't want to miss it.

Fast forward to Los Angeles

I rush off of the plane and get a cab to take me to the hospital. It's about 10 AM, and Alex has been in labor for about 15 hours as far as I know.

"I'm here to see Alexia Francis," I say to the receptionist.

"Name, please?" she asks.

"Ashley Purdy," I say.

She hands me a name tag and directs me to where Alex's room is. I love as fast as I can in a hospital. Alex's room is quiet. I walk in and I see her sleeping. Her stomach is small again.

"Babe," I say quietly, shaking her awake.

"Ash!" she says excitedly. I give her a hug. "I had the baby already."

"I figured. I got here as fast as I could," I say.  "Where's the baby?"

"He's in the nursery. I'll ask the nurse to go get him." It's a boy!

"What's his name?" I ask after she's finished talking to the nurse.

"You really think I would name him without you?" she laughs.

I smile. The nurse comes in with a baby boy, and I take him from her. He's got Alex's eyes. He looks a lot like me, though. Alex smiles at me as I hold him. I'm finally a dad. I honestly never thought this would happen.

"What do you want to name him?" I ask Alex.

"I want him to have your name as his middle name. You can pick the first name."

I look at him for a minute. Dozens of names run through my head. Ethan. Ethan Ashley Purdy.

"Ethan," I say. Alex smiles.

"Ethan it is."

There it is! That's the end! Let me know if you enjoyed this book. Vote, comment, share with your friends.

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