I Dare You ch.1

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"Aurora, I've been wanting to tell you something for quite some time."

"What is it?"

"We've been best friends for a while, but I feel something more towards you. I love you, Aurora."

"You do? I love you too, Evan!"

"Miss Aurora Kellan, can you please answer the question?" I immediately snapped out of my wonderful daydream. It's a shame that's all it was; a dream. I suddenly faced my history teacher, who didn't look too happy.

"No, I cannot," I answered simply, seeming as bored as I felt.

"And why is that?" she asked.

I sighed, "Quite frankly, Mrs. Cline, your voice was making my head hurt, so I tuned you out." She glared at me, as always, so I just gathered my things and got up from my seat. "Yeah, I know, go to the front office." I shot my best friends a smile before leaving the room.

I got sent to the front office at least twice a week, all thanks to Mrs. Cline. She and I didn't really get along, and I don't even know why. I'm not a bad student or a constant rule breaker; I just don't like her enough to care about what she lectures about. I love history though, which is the only reason I pass the class. I'm a slacker, yet a good test taker, and that's all the counts in her class.

"Hey Ms. Stanley," I greeted the principal's secretary.

"Aurora, I'm not surprised to see you here again. What was the problem this time, dear?"

I shrugged, taking a seat since I'd probably have to wait to see the principal. "I told Mrs. Cline her voice was making my head hurt."

Ms. Stanley shook her head. "I thought you were going to refrain from making comments like that?"

I smiled, "I did! This is only once this week, and it's Friday! What do you expect, Ms. Stanley?"

She tried to hide her smile, though she wasn't successful. Lucky for her, that's when the principal opened his door for me to see him. I waved to his secretary and followed him in the familiar office.

"Hey Mr. Cassidy, how's your day so far?" I asked casually, taking a seat in the leather chair in front of his desk.

"Well Miss Kellan, it was going great until you walked into my office, yet again. And I actually thought you could've lasted a week without getting in trouble," he said, a faint smile visible. I've dealt with him since my freshman year, due to other teachers like Mrs. Cline. Yeah, there's always been at least one teacher I didn't get along with.

"How do you know I'm not just in here to visit you before the weekend?"

He narrowed his eyes at me, which made me crack. "Alright, so maybe I'm not just visiting you, but I did last until Friday!"

He chuckled at my slightly dramatic reply. "That's true, but I'd like it if I saw you even less."

I chuckled, "Nice joke, Mr. Cassidy."

He grinned, "You know I'm not joking, Aurora. I can't keep letting you off so easily. Everyone will think I'm a horrible principal."

"No they won't! They'll think you're cool, which you totally are! Please, you can't suspend me or anything, I only told Mrs. Cline her voice was giving me a headache!"

"Aurora, I'm not going to suspend you. However, you will have to help me out on Monday with something."

I let out a breath of relief. "Oh, okay. What do you need help with?"

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