I Dare You ch.11

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When I woke up the next morning, I moved out of Hayden's warm embrace and crawled out of the tent. I was definitely waking up in his arms too much. Then again, it was kind of nice waking up to something warm when the air was brisk at the early time I managed to wake up at.

It seemed like I was the only one up, mainly due to my lack of sleep. I still felt horrible about the situation with Brody, and still would until I talked to him about everything. I shook my head to myself to forget those thoughts for now, and instead changed into my bathing suit in the woods. After putting khaki shorts and a t-shirt over my bathing suit, I walked back to the camp and let out a yelp to see I wasn't the only one up anymore.

"Oh, hey Rory," Evan said with his famous smile. I smiled back; I mean, how could you not after seeing him?

"Hi. Why are you up so early?" I asked him, taking a seat next to him.

"I could ask you the same thing," he replied. "But anyway, I just woke up and checked my phone to see the time. I guess I'm used to getting up for school."

"Yeah, same here," I lied. I certainly wasn't going to tell him about my problems with Brody.

A few minutes of silence passed, so I decided to ask something I was wondering about. "So, you're back with Gabriella?"

He nodded, a small smile appearing on his face. "Yeah, I am."

I nodded once. "And that happened when...at the Winter Dance?" I asked, hinting I knew what happened between them on that Saturday.

His eyes glanced to mine, looking quite confused. "Uh, yeah I guess it happened around then. You know, I looked for you when I got back to the dance floor and you weren't there. Olivia only told me later that you left. With Hayden," he explained, making sure to mention I didn't leave alone that night.

I let out a short laugh. "That's correct, I did leave with Hayden," I said. Evan snorted at the mention of Hayden's name, and I finally realized that he didn't like Hayden as much as Hayden didn't like him.

"Then again, I only left with him to get out of there. I guess I didn't want to see people making out in the hallway with their ex-girlfriend," I added. Hell yeah I made sure he got what I was trying to say to him.

Evan's body seemed to freeze next to me, his eyes growing softer as he gazed into mine. "So...you saw that, huh?"


He sighed. "Look, Rory, I'm sorry that I upset you then, but we're just friends. We've always been friends, so I thought you'd understand." Ouch, that was a stab straight through my heart. 'We've always been friends' ran through my mind over and over, chipping off a piece of my heart each time.

I wasn't just hurt though. I was angry that because we were friends, he thought he could ditch me at the dance, knowing I would 'understand'.

"Evan, that doesn't give you the right to treat me like you did. Just because we went to the dance as friends, doesn't mean you should've ditched me to make out with your ex-girlfriend," I told him throw gritted teeth.

"Yeah, I get that, but at least you went home with Hayden. It was a win-win."

I sighed. He would never get that I liked him unless I told him. "Hayden and I are just friends."

"I thought you like him though?" he asked, sounding curious and disgusted at the same time. He obviously didn't care about pretending to like him anymore.

"No, I only like him as a friend," I said. A part of me may have felt something towards him, but it still wasn't like what I felt towards Evan. "And why don't you like him?"

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