I Dare You ch.8

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I hate Mondays, along with most of my fellow classmates due to waking up early for school after a weekend. Fridays are exciting because it's the end of the school week (duh). The rest of the days in between are usually bearable, like today since it's Wednesday.

Even though I woke up a little late, I told Olivia to pick up Tina and Caylee, and Liam to drive Robby and Tyler while I drove myself to school. Since it was the middle of the week, I didn't mind being cut back on my time getting ready for school. I also didn't mind driving my baby to school.

And when I say my 'baby', I mean my beautiful car. Well, it wasn't all beautiful, but I would never say that to Edwin. Yes, I named my car Edwin. He looked like an Edwin when I first laid my eyes on him.

Anyway, Edwin is mostly beautiful, other than the scratches on the passenger door from Max slamming the door into another car. His shiny light blue paint isn't so shiny anymore, though that could be because it's a 1973 Volkswagen Beetle. And for being an old guy, Edwin's engine usually runs great.

However, usually does not mean always.

So, on this lovely Wednesday morning, I found myself shouting every cuss word I could think of while Edwin slowly halted to a stop on the side of the road. I then called anyone who'd answer their phone at seven in the morning. Of course, nobody in my family, or even my best friends, answered their damn phones.

I also didn't have the number for a car towing company, so I'd just leave my car where it was and get it later. Unless I'd still be standing in the same spot then, which was looking more probable than someone picking me up at the moment.

Sure enough, a familiar car slowed on the almost deserted road next to my car.

"Car break down?" Evan asked through the passenger window.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Yeah."

"I'm on my way to Gabriella's, but I could, uh, give you a ride?" he asked, sounding unsure of himself.

I wanted to accept his offer of a ride, until I heard he was picking up his bitchy girlfriend. There was no way I'd be stuck in the backseat of his pickup truck and have to listen to his whiny girlfriend in the front seat. And Evan hasn't talked to me since Hayden and I saw him at the diner, so he's probably just offering because he feels sorry for me.

"Someone's on their way already," I lied. "But thanks though."

He nodded, "Alright, I'll see you at school then." And with that, he quickly drove off in his gas-guzzling newer car. Sometimes I envy people with new cars, but there's no way I'd give up Edwin, even if he did ruin my perfectly good Wednesday morning.

With Evan gone, I realized I had absolutely no ride...again. I debated whether to walk to school, or back home. Technically it was easier to walk back home, but it was a far walking distance to both. Therefore, I opted to walk to school since nobody was home to give me a ride anyway, and I would get into more trouble for skipping school rather than just being really late.

I barely walked down the street when I gave up. Yeah, I'm lazy, I know. Plus, my three heaviest textbooks in my arms didn't help. When I reached the corner of the street, I dropped my textbooks and sat on the curb for a break. I was either going to be a little late to school if I power walked, or luckily miss my entire English class, and possibly my math class too. Bringing my knees close to my chest, I rested my head on them to clear my thoughts.

I was clearly daydreaming of me and Evan being together peacefully, when a loud horn was honked right in front of me. I jolted awake from my daydream and fell back on my elbows. My head shot up to see the antagonist, which prompted me to shoot the meanest glare I could make.

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