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The rest of your day went through normally. Jack didn't cross your path for the remainder of your work day, you didn't see Grayson again... not that you wanted to. He almost hurt Dr. Bettleman and if it wasn't Bettleman, it would've been you.

Crazy bastard.

Today was Thursday. Grayson's trial day. You, of course, weren't allowed to go. You weren't his personal psychiatrist. That'd be Bettleman. You secretly wished you could go too, try to see how he is in a public setting. The thought of Grayson getting out was sickening, yet... a bearable thought. As you sit on the edge of your bed, you find your mind wandering through the way you think it'll go.

Would he refuse to go? Not if there's a possibility of his release... right?

You shake the thoughts from your head and stand up, grabbing a towel as you head to your bathroom. You close the door and lock it behind you, turning on the water. The warm liquid trickles down your arm as you test it, seeing how good it'd feel to your energized nerves.

You step in, letting the soothing water work magic on your back, releasing the tension you felt. Truthfully, you hoped Grayson would get out. Then no one would be in danger- at least no one you know.

You wash your hair and body quickly, understanding that you had a time limit and had to be at work soon.

Soon enough to see Grayson leave for court... in an orange jumpsuit. Shackled. Detained.

A shiver runs down your spine as his eyes come into your mind, piercing you from within. You turn off the water and step out, shivering from the sudden cold air across your body. Your hand grasps the towel and you wrap it around yourself, tucking it in so it doesn't fall during your trip to your room.

You take a look at yourself in the fogged mirror, raising your hand to swipe a subtle path in the murky glass. The girl who looked back at you looked like you, only more tired. Her eyes were surrounded by reddened circles, indicating you needed more sleep.

You sigh and leave the bathroom. Upon entering your room, you hear your phone 'ding' with a notification. No doubt it's from Stella.

You grab your phone and unlock it, pressing the message button. You smile as her cheerful words come across the screen.

Good morning bestie! Send me
your work schedule later & we can
plan a girl's night. Miss you ❤

Will do, Stells! Miss you too x

After sending the text, you toss your phone onto your bed and pull on undergarments. Your grey bra matched your underwear. It was a cute set, you had to admit. You pulled your hair into the towel, twisting it tight enough to stay put for a few minutes to dry your hair.

You settle your mind on a white v-neck and light blue skinny jeans. You applied a small amount of mascara to your lashes and finished off the outfit with white converse. Well... they used to be white.

You pull the towel from your hair and grab your phone, going down to the kitchen. Grabbing your usual necessities, you head out to your car, thinking about stopping at your favorite coffee shop. You figured Starbucks was closer, so you ended up going there. It didn't take long for you to order your drink and head back into your car, going your usual route to work.

Grayson's POV

My heart pounded as i was jolted awake by the sound of the buzzer by the door. Today is the day...

I know i won't get out of here, but hopefully i atleast let a sentence dropped. Two life sentences isn't exactly living the life. I stand to my feet, awaiting Carl to come by and unlock my cell. The drills of court day were pretty known for me. I've had two court dates before this one, but they were never because of a re-opening of my case.

"Hey there Grayson" Carl says, smiling slightly. I nod, staying quiet. He picks out the key on the ring he has and unlocks my door, surprising me when he doesn't bust out a pair of cuffs. He must've caught on to my confusion, "i didn't think they were necessary today, bud."

I give him a look of relief, realizing he's the only one in here to understand that i'm human too. An orange jumpsuit was folded over his arm, meant for me. I guess it was better than these itchy sweatpants and baggy shirts.

"Not by much."

The voice's comment made me smirk. I had to admit, he was funny sometimes. But i guess you'd think anything was funny if you were in a cell with nothing but a bed everyday of your life.

Carl stepped aside, letting me out. We walked to the left, going down further in the hallway. It only took a few steps until we reached another door which Carl used his key card for. This was the shower room. Where the water was either scalding or freezing. Never anything in between.

"Alright, Dolan. I assume you can do this part by yourself?" Carl laughs as i nod. He hands me the jumpsuit and i step into the shower room, eyeing the walls lined by showerheads. Individual brick walls seperated each shower space. Not that it mattered, i was the only one in here. I place my jumpsuit on the floor somewhere where it won't get wet and strip, placing my other clothes next to it.

I picked the shower that gets really hot, feeling like it would relax my anxiety. I turn it on, standing under it immediately to adjust quicker. My mind toyed with the idea of standing in front of the same judge. Bettleman. Security guards. I don't get a jury since it isn't a sentencing trial. I've already been sentenced. This trial could result in an un-sentencing. If that makes any sense.

"It doesn't. What if Miss Perfect comes along? She'd hear about everything you did."

The voice was more of a dark conscience than a mental problem. He spoke everything i feared.

"She's not coming. She can't come" i say aloud, feeling slightly normal now that no one can hear me. "Therefore, she won't know what i've done. She already knows about the murders."

He speaks up, "does she know about Katrina?"

My heart thumped inside my chest at the thought of Y/n finding out. She didn't know who Bettleman's last assistant was, or why she left, but if she came to my trial... she'd find out.

The hot water ran down my back, trickling through the curves of my muscles. I gotta start working out again. But there's not much to use here...

I pull the shampoo from the rack and glob it onto my hand, then lather it through my brown locks. Oh, what i wouldn't give for Y/n to run her hands through my hair. Pull on it while i kiss her. I allowed my thoughts to run wild, imagining her Y/h/c hair, how it'd feel between my fingers.

I don't even know how to feel about her. The more i see her, the more intoxicating she is for me. She's my drug. She's the reason i've been losing sleep. Being in here, it hasn't given me much to look forward to- until i met her. She's all i have to look forward to. So, if i get a sentence dropped today... I'd have less time with her.

"We can't have that."

No we can't.

A/N: this was more of a filler chapter. Not exactly thrilling, i know. Sorry babes. More to come though!
Word Count: 1283

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