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Grayson's POV

     Rodriguez escorted me back to the van, congratulating me non-stop. It was slightly annoying.

The blacktop was hot, i felt it through the soles of my shoes. The other guard opened the back doors, cool air coming through as if he had blasted the air conditoning the whole time we were inside- which was possible. He left Rodriguez and i after dropping me off in the court room.

Bettleman helped me up and into the back, attaching my shackles to the floor. He click the connector around the last link and patted my foot, getting up into the van as well, sitting in the seat Y/n sat in first.

She followed him, getting up into the back, sitting next to Bettleman. She pulls out her phone, texting someone.

I miss technology. As soon as i get out, i want her number. Her address. Anything to keep me connected to her.

"That's fucking creepy." The voice tells me. Oh well, it's true. I don't want to lose contact with her. Even though, i barely have any now.

Rodriguez closes the back doors to the van, locking them after he does so. Y/n's eyes are fixed on her phone as she types out the long message. Once she sends it, she looks up at Bettleman, "Was it worth it to lie and get Grayson out?"

His eyes rest on hers, "yes. I think he deserves a second chance" he states, looking over at me.

The tension between Y/n and i was palpable. The only reason my answer was what it was, is because i wasn't expecting to be a free man today. I'm not technically until the end of the month, but still. I was told i'd be free by the end of the month. Damn, am i ecstatic.

However, i told Y/n i'd like to fuck her when i'm free... not so ecstatic.

My hands are folded in between my knees. My heart was pounding slow, but strong. The dimly lit cab of this van needed some air. It may have just been my nerves, but fuck is it stuffy in here.

"A free man by the end of the month, Grayson." The voice says. A small smirk comes to my lips, catching Y/n's attention as i absentmindedly gaze at her.

"What are you gawking at?" She asks, slight hostility in her voice.

She's fucking hot.

"I didn't mean to" i laugh awkwardly, trying to draw Bettleman's attention away from how weird it was between her and I.

"Well it's making me uncomfortable" she says. My smile fades instantly as i come to realize... maybe she doesn't like me. After all, i'm a psychotic murderer to her.

Your POV

Little did Grayson know, the thought of him wanting you made your stomach turn in a delightful way.

Certain things about him made you want him too. His soft hair that you had the urge to tug on. His broad shoulders that you longed to caress with your own hands. His surely built body underneath was hidden from you, but you didn't want it to be.

He drove your crazy. And you knew it wasn't right, but it felt that way.

He can't be as bad as you first thought. Especially if he's walking free in less than eighteen days. However, he was arrested without probable cause, as well as not understanding his rights.

He wasn't completely guilty. But he wasn't innocent either.

The ride back to the hospital was two hours, give or take a few minutes. You weren't exactly paying attention as you texted Stella the whole way.

You felt bad for neglecting your best friend, but it wasn't like you meant to. This job included a lot of hours. Which, you had tons of. Since you graduated high school, you had nothing but free time.

The van stopped in the graveled lot of the hospital with slight squealing of the brakes. Grayson's chains made noises as they slid across the floor of the van. You just wanted to get out of there. His gaze hasn't left you since you left the court house.

He said he didn't mean to stare at you, but after that he did. His eyes wandered your body as bit the inside of cheek. Just like he did in court. He was nervous, but why?

If anyone's nervous, it should be me. He basically claimed me for when he's a free man.

Not to lie, but you felt yourself become bothered by the thought of him wanting you. Only you. His first thought after being released would be you.


The doors swing open and you jump out, feeling the other guard's hands on your waist as he helps you out. His touch lingers slightly and you push his hands away, mumbling an uncomfortable "thank you."

He smiles at you in a creepy way, his eyes wandering. That's when you remembered that you shirt was see-through. You instantly head into the hospital, passing the desk quickly.

Beth still wasn't here. Another woman was in her place. Gale was her name. She was nothing like Beth. She had grey curly hair, framing her oval face. She was heavier-set. Like the typical grandma image. You smiled at her as you walk up the stairs to the release floor, passing the rooms as you head straight to the third floor stairs. At least, you tried to.

"There she is" Jack says, intercepting you with his hands on your shoulders. You were so consumed in your thoughts that you barely noticed he was there. "Hey" he smiles.

You smile back, "Hey Jack. What's up?" He shrugs his shoulders, looking down at your chest.

All the men here are pigs.

He looks away quickly, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. "Where were you? I couldn't find ya" he tells you.

"Oh, i was at Dolan's appeal."

"Appeal? Like there was an issue with the original trial?" He asks, looking worried.

You nod, "yeah. He goes free in about eighteen days." You say, crossing your arms tightly over your chest.

"Oh, wow. That's crazy. Isn't he like... Highly dangerous?" He asks.

"Well, yeah, but he's been better since he was admitted. Plus, the court said that his arrest wasn't probable in the first place." Jack just nods.

Why does our conversation always end up on Grayson?

"Well, i have to get up to the office. I'm freezing" you laugh awkwardly.

Jack laughs too, "yeah. You look it." His cute dimples show, "i'll see you later."

You nod and walk passed him, heading up the stairs to the third floor, realizing you don't have the keys to get in. The door is locked when you try to get in.

"Fuck" you mumble, heading back down to the lobby.

You catch a glimpse of Bettleman's head going under the stairs, to the elevator.

"Hey! Wait!" You yell, running down the stairs quickly.

You jog to the elevator, seeing Rodriguez and Grayson as well. They were all looking at you with confused looks, "yes?" Bettleman asks.

"The door to the office is locked so i thought i'd tag along with you guys." You tell them, relieved when all their eyes return to the elevator as soon as it 'dings'.

Little did you know, it'd get worse for you on the elevator.

Word Count: 1228

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