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Your POV

As you drive home, your mind thinks over a few things.

I haven't seen Grayson for two days. What time does he get out tomorrow? I need his number. Wait... where's my phone?

You pull your car into the shoulder of the road, making a U-turn whenever it was safe.

"Of course i'd leave it on the desk" you sigh, driving back to the institution.

Grayson's POV

My room felt cold.

Bettleman pissed me off from the moment he came into my room. The dumb smug look on his face as he left, thinking i was set to be with Katrina over Y/n. He has some nerve to think i would listen to him.

She is mine and always will be. I don't give a fuck what anyone says.

The cold cement under my forearms by the window made a chill surge through my body. I glanced out over the partially-empty parking lot. I've been here since i saw Y/n pull her car out of the lot. It made me feel hurt and sad.

Why can't she just listen to me? My plan is perfect. She doesn't have to get fired. We can be together.

I sigh and turn to walk away from my window, but the familiar sound of gravel crunching under tires makes me stay.

My heart fumbles as she pulls back into the parking lot. I could see her frustration as she grips her hair with one hand, the other on the steering wheel. She cuts the engine and gets out, carrying her keys in her left hand as she fishes for her I.D. with the other.

My heart thumps in my chest and i walk to my door, wondering whether or not i should go and find her.

"Go get your girl" the voice encourages.

So i do.

I push myself from the window and head for my door, pulling it open. Y/n is at the end of the hall, at the stairs to get to the third floor. Without thinking, my legs carry me behind her. Not too close, but i know she's headed back to the office.

Why did she leave in the first place?

I really need to talk to her about this plan. After i get out tomorrow, we can be together. We can fake-hate eachother for twenty-four hours... because i want her in life forever. I hope that isn't too much to ask.

Your POV

You slowly trudge up the stairs, hoping you actually left your phone on the desk. As you reach the top of the stairs, you see Beth and Bettleman huddled near the door, speaking in low voices.

The most you could make out was Grayson's name. You try to stay as quiet as possible, hoping neither one of them would see you.

"I just don't think it's necessary to keep him here any longer, Dirk" Beth says.

"I guess you're right. Maybe if we keep him until next wee-"

"Excuse me, Dr. Bettleman?" He turns around to look at you, his eyes wide as he didn't expect you back.


"Did i leave my phone on the desk in the office?"

He shrugs his shoulders slightly, "go have a look. Beth and i are headed to the fifth floor. I will see you tomorrow" he says, lightly dragging Beth down the hall and up the stairs.

"That was weird" you say aloud, hoping you were alone.

You lightly push the door open and look to your left, spotting your grey iPhone sitting on the desk. "Oh, thank God" you breathe out, heading to grab it.

As you reach for the slender metal, you hear the door close. Your heart skips a beat as you turn around, seeing exactly what you expected. "G-Gray" you whimper. He looked pissed off. "Why are you in here?" you ask him, wondering why he closed the door after coming inside.

"I need to talk to you" he says nonchalantly, walking closer to you. You lean your butt against the desk and cross your arms, waiting for him to speak.

"Let's hear it then, Dolan."

He sighs and crosses his arms as well. Under that black t-shirt, his muscles were so defined.

Fuck, why does he have to be so hot?

"It's about my plan." It was your turn to sigh.

"Enough about this plan, Grayson. It won't work. We only have a day left anyway, so what's the point?" You ask, standing to your feet, heading passed him until he stops you.

His hands catch your waist and he guides you back to the desk, lifting your body onto the desk. "Just go with it. We can hate eachother in public, but until then..." he trails off, eyeing your plump lips, "i want you so bad" he says just above a whisper.

You felt a familiar ache between your thighs resurface. You didn't want it to, but it did.

"I know you want me too, Y/n" he digs deeper into your emotions, proving what he knew to be true.

His thumbs rubbed soft circles into the hip skin just under your shirt. "Please" you say softly.

"Please what" he urges, wanting to hear your voice say you wanting him too. You couldn't have sex on the desk, you knew that.

"Please kiss me" you whimper as he pulls his hands away from your hips to rest on your cheeks. His hazel eyes looked into your y/e/c ones.

"My pleasure, baby" he sent shivers down your spine as he pressed his soft lips into yours. The soft sound of disconnecting kisses filled the room. You prayed there were no cameras in here.

Gray's hands moved up from your cheeks, grasping your hair. You let out a moan and did the same to him after you slid your phone into your back pocket.

His tongue rubbed against yours, asserting his dominance over you. But you didn't mind. You loved it when Grayson was in control. You opened your legs further to let him stand in between them, closer to you. His soft groans of satisfaction made your stomach twist in excitement.

You felt the cold feeling of loss of contact as Grayson pulled away. Your hands were still connected to his brown locks, "so... about that plan" he quirks, looking at you with hopeful eyes.

"Fine, Gray. I'll see you tomorrow?" You ask him, sliding off the desk.

He nods his head and watches you leave the office, leaving him happy and slighlty aroused.

Katrina's POV

The cold gel on my stomach made my face twist in discomfort. God, i wanted this baby out of me. I've been having pains for the last couple of hours and it does not feel good.

"Alright, the baby looks alright, although she is unusually low-set in your stomach for seven months. This could be serious" the nurse speaks, her voice having a hint of concern within it.

"Have you been under a lot of stress lately?"

I nod my head, thinking of Grayson and his whore.

"This baby is ready to come out" she says cautiously, rubbing the stick over my belly. I could see my baby on the monitor, loving the fact that i'll get to see her soon.

"Right now?" I ask.

"Right now" she confirms.

A/N:  Jack Dail has pissed me off. Now i'm angry that he's even in my story. -_-
I changed Points of View a lot this chapter, sorry! We're almost at the end, btw. x

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