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Grayson's POV

The back of this van was hot as hell. The metal lining of it baked like a mobile oven. Bettleman and Y/n sat on the other side on the built-in metal bench. They were uncomfortable being in here with me, obviously.

"You tried to kill Bettleman." I roll my eyes, knowing i can't answer him while i'm in the back of this van. They would surely keep me locked up in that mental hospital.

I keep my head tilted back slightly, against the metal wall. My eyes were closed as we drove the two hours to the courthouse. In these hours, i figured out that this court date was an Appeal, rather than another trial.

An appeal is what happens if the initial trial was invalid or illegal. I don't remember what happened when i was arrested, but those cops didn't have the proper reason to arrest me. Those bastards will be here, that's what Bettleman told me.

The flashback went through my mind, calming my racing thoughts.

The cold november air made the hair of my neck stand on end, causing me to wrap my blanket around my body closer. The voice kept taunting me. Telling me that i didn't wipe my prints enough. I didn't dispose of his body well enough. No one needed to know he was killed as well.

I laid in my bed, trying to sleep- which proved to be impossible after yesterday's events.

"She deserved it" i mumble, feeling my body relax

"Yes, she did." He agrees, making my lips turn up into a sly smirk.

"So did he" i mutter, remembering the look on his voice when i explained who i was. Right to his face. The utter shock held on his features.

'She told me you weren't going to be here' he told me. Dumb ass. Why did he think i'd never find out?

The loud knock of certain authority sounded at my door, sending me into a panicked state.

"Stay calm" he urged me.

I threw the blanket from my body, groaning as i walk through my apartment- right to my impending doom.

I barely remember what had happened that night, but as soon as i opened that door... I was attacked by two officers. No warrant for my arrest was presented. They cuffed me without telling me why. They didn't make sure i understood my rights.

My arrest wasn't probable.

My eyes shoot open, the realization hitting me.

They know. The court knows. My arrest wasn't legal. They can't hold me accountable without an actual arrest.

"Grayson?" Bettleman asks, leaning over to place his hand on my shoulder. I study his tired eyes, feeling remorse for what i had done to him.

"I'm sorry" i say, knowing he'd understand that i meant about the incident. This wasn't the first time i'd lashed out. He just pats my shoulder, leaning back into the metal wall.

"It's alright. I'm just sorry that i had to have you injected" he laughs slightly, gripping his clipboard and black evidence case.

Just knowing what's inside it makes me nervous.

"Yeah, but you had to do what you had to do" i answer. He nods, looking at me with the same look he's been giving me these past months.

Like he knows i'll be free one day.

I glance at Y/n to the left of Bettleman, pulling at the hem of her still-see-through t-shirt.

Oh, the things i'd do...

Psychosis || Grayson Dolan - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now