Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Karl peered through his binoculars. He saw Lucas standing on the ledge, in the verge of slipping. He smiled at himself and shook his head. This is going to be easier than he thought. 

He moved through the wave of people, bumping against someone’s shoulder every once in a while. He was a good ten meters away from the building when Lucas suddenly returned inside. Below, he caught a glimpse of the man running inside the building. Karl’s eyes widened. That wasn’t supposed to happen. Panic seized him, so he ran towards the building. His eyes were fixed on the ledge of the third-floor, that he didn’t notice the policeman in front of him.

“Well, I'm surprised to see you here, sir. I thought you were on vacation," the policeman greeted with a smile.

"Well, yeah, I just got home," Karl said, his eyes fixed on the building's entrance. "Look, I need to go in there, pal. It's urgent."

"There?" The policeman turned to look at the building. "But Mr. Caprio's unit are on their way, sir. I'm not sure I'm allowed to let anyone in."

Karl held his temper. The clock was ticking. "I'll be quick, I promise. I'll just scan the area and--"

"Uh, I guess you could, but..." he said as he glanced at his radio. "If you'll kindly wait, I'll radio the others first. I'll let them know--"

Karl closed his eyes and inhaled. The gunshot silenced the crowd for a split second. The policeman staggered backward, and looked down. He looked up at Karl, his eyes widened with horror and surprise. 

"I'm sorry for this, but I really need to get inside that building," Karl advanced to the officer and gripped his knee. Blood seeped between his fingers, leaving a trail of crimson on the back of his hand. The officer screamed in pain and fell to the ground.

"You'll be fine," Karl whispered. "The bullet just hit muscle. It's nothing permanent," he added as he aided the officer to the ground.

Karl hurriedly put his pistol back to its holster under his shirt and ran into the building while struggling to pull out his phone. He flipped it open and pressed the speed dial while sprinting up the stairs. After two rings, his boss answered.

“The situation changed. Someone else is with the target,” he paused catching his breath. “I’m in pursuit now.”

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