Chapter 39

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Faint beeping.

Anton heard faint, beeping sounds. He struggled to open his eyes. 

Sunlight peeked through the curtains. He squinted at the sight. Blood rushed to his head, making him nauseaous. He forced to shut his eyes and shake his head. He lifted his arm and saw an IV cord snaking from the back of his hand. He struggled to get up. His chest screamed in pain. He looked to his left and saw the police officer standing by the doorway.

The police smiled.

"Hey," he said.

Anton just looked at him.

"My name is Julian Jimenez," he said. "I believe we've already met," he smiled.

"Sure," Anton said, pulling himself to a sitting position. 

Julian walked to the bed and pushed a button. The bed reclined slowly, until Anton was brought to a sitting position.

"That comfortable?" Julian asked. 

"Yes, thanks," Anton replied.

There was silence.

"Julian?" Anton asked.

"Yeah?" Julian replied.

"How did you know we were there? How did you manage to get there on time?"

Julian smiled. "I checked the files Riviera gave me. There was no file about the man in the business suit."

Anton frowned. "I'm not sure I follow...."

Julian raised his hand. "You see, when Riviera and I were talking about the case, he said the witness saw four dead men inside the warehouse. One was wearing a business suit, the others were wearing tee shirts, and the other one was tied to a chair. But when I read the files again, there was none about the man in the business suit. That was when the case started to smell real bad. So, I grabbed my coat and went to Riviera's apartment. I was about to confront him when he arrived, but he seemed to be in a hurry. So i followed him instead."

Anton nodded. "Where's my mother, Julian?" he asked.

Julian hesitated. Then: "She's in ICU," he replied bluntly. "She's going to be okay, Anton."

Anton nodded. "And Ringo?"

Julian smiled. "That sonofagun's as hard as a rock. The bullet punctured his stomach, but he's walking now," he said. "Look out the window."

Anton did. The window wasn't far from his bed. Julian slid the curtain aside. Anton peeked out. 

"He's recovering fast. I don't know what he's made of, but I guess the man's all metal and a few gravel," he smirked. 

Ringo was walking around the hospital garden, donning a hospital gown, a nurse pulling his IV stand along. Anton forced a smile.

Julian coughed in his fist. "David's currently in police custody. After last night, well, he sang like a song bird. Told the police everything, in the hopes that they give him a lesser punishment," he breathed. "And Lucas... well, this time, he's dead for good."

Anton shook his head. "Will they be giving Riviera a lesser punishment?"

"Right now, it's still hard to tell."

Anton shook his head once more. "And the others?" he asked.

Julian pretended to look at his notepad. 

"The mastermind, Samantha, she's in another room.  The bullet hit muscle. It's nothing fatal. She's currently under hospital arrest," he looked up from the pad. "The sister, however, Maria Esteves, she wasn't so lucky..."

Anton closed his eyes. 

"And Winter?" he asked, his voice hopeful.

Julian flipped his notepad close, then looked up at him. "I'm sorry, Anton," he whispered, "but I don't know."

Anton's eyes flew open. "What? What do you mean you don't know?"

Julian moved closer to him. "After we brought you here, she..." he cleared his throat, "she just disappeared. I tried to find her, but she wasn't around anymore. I... I'm sorry..." 

Anton swallowed. Tears were pushing their way to his eyelids. 

"However," Julian said, "I saw this stuffed in your hands," he moved closer to Anton, opening his palm. "She must've slipped this in your hands when you were still unconscious."

Julian put a crumpled paper on his palm. Anton opened the paper. 

Hey, bro. I hope everything turns out well for you. Winter.

Tears rolled down his eyes. He folded the paper too carefully, and clutched it in his chest. 

 Julian feigned a cough. 

"I'm really sorry about this, but I need to ask you a few questions..."

Anton stared blankly ahead.

"Officer?" he said.

"Hmmm?" Julian hummed.

"I'm sorry," Anton whispered. "but I need you to get out."

Julian nodded and smiled. He went to the door and opened it. Before stepping outside, he looked back at Anton.

"I was hoping you'd say that," he said. "officers? well, we need a break too," he smiled as he walked out. 

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