Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

The woman sat behind her cherry wood desk, cradling a glass of whiskey. She stared at the drink a tad too long, entertaining herself by swirling the glass and watching the ice dance in circular motion. The game has changed. She frowned at that, and shook her head. The plan should have been simple, really. Grab the man and bring him to her. She waited so long for this. Too long, in fact. She lived her life every day, playing scenarios in her head. Her agony will finally end. The years of meticulously planning for this will finally bear fruit. Her nightmares will finally cease. Her chances will finally be renewed and...

But again, the game has changed. 

“Ma’am, he has arrived,” a woman in a too formal attire said as she opened the door. 

“Send him in,” she replied, taking one last swig from her whiskey. She then put the glass down, and smoothed the creases of her Armani suit. 

The man entered. He looked like shit. He was wearing a gray hoodie and board shorts. Clever, she thought. The attire stood out. People would remember a man wearing board shorts in the industrial part of the city, because it seemed off. People are quick to remember these things. So when the man shot somebody back in Iloilo, people are going to tell the police about a man with a beard, wearing board shorts in the city. This man, clever as he is, could just shave off his beard, take his clothes off and change into something more discreet, like plain shirt and pants. Clever indeed. She nodded at the man.

“The target slipped. It was my fault. I should have…” the man was blabbering, she thought. Snapping into defensive mode. He was evidently afraid. Can’t blame him. Everyone was scared of her. People just catch a whiff of her perfume a few miles away and they scatter like rats.

“I didn’t summon you here because of that,” she replied. She stood up and rounded the desk, and sat on the desk with half of her buttock. “I hired somebody to trace his phone number. You know how that works, no? With the phone on, you’ll be able to track a person’s location. And do you know where they’re heading?” she smiled.


“Here, Karl,” she spread her arms and smiled.

“They’re heading here? In Manila?” 


“What do you want me to do?”

“Continue tracking their location. The moment they settle, you move in. Eliminate every one who gets in your way. Make it clean,” she said.

Karl nodded and walked out, closing the door behind him. The woman stared at the door a tad too long. Then she returned to her seat, grabbed the empty glass and flipped it down the table. 

Game. Set. Match. She nodded to herself. 

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