Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

"Bonjour, messiurdame!" Lucas smiled, spreading his hands. "comment-allez-vous?"

They all stared at him. Winter risked a step.

"Lucas? How...?"

Lucas shook his head and made a tsk tsk sound. "You're supposed to answer with tres bien, merci, but given the rather unpleasant situation, that would have to be pas mal," he grinned even wider.

Ringo stood dumbstruck. Anton moved to his direction. "Lucas? You're alive? I--"

Without warning, Lucas pulled out his gun and aimed it at Anton.

"Not so fast, pretty boy," he hissed.

Ringo moved quickly, standing in front of Anton, shielding him from Lucas.

"What the hell are you doing, Lucas?" Ringo yelled.

Lucas smiled. "Step aside, Ringo, my man."

Ringo closed his eyes. "Lucas, don't."

Lucas shrugged. "Well, if that's the case, I'll just shoot you both then," he said as he cocked the gun.

"Stop it, Lucas!" Samantha yelled. "What do you think you're doing? Stick to the plan!" she exclaimed.

Lucas then burst out laughing. He lowered the gun. "Relax, sam. Jeez. I was just kidding. I'm not going to shoot this garbage," he motioned to Anton. "Not yet anyway."

Ringo frowned. "Plan?" he asked Lucas. "What plan?"

Lucas sighed. "And there I thought you were smart," he said. "You still don't get it, do you?" he asked.

Ringo frowned some more.

"Okay, let me make this easier for you," he said. "Clue number one: I went home right after my father died. Clue number two: I told you to stay away from Bertha. Clue number three: you all saw Bertha's man, Karl, shoot me, but here I am, standing in front of you guys, with the police officer, Riviera, in charge of the case and Samantha telling me to stick to the plan. You add all that up and what do you get?"

"You're working for Samantha," Anton swallowed.

"ding-ding-ding-ding! Wow! You're too smart for a bum, don't you think?" Lucas spread his arms and smiled.

"That's why Karl shot him, and not us. If you think of it, we were an easier target. So why him?" Anton said, more to himself. "Simple. Karl shot him because he knew he was working for her," he continued, gesturing at Samantha.

"Wow, Impressive," Lucas smiled. "You're more than just a pretty boy, aren't you, Anton?" he grinned.

Winter grabbed Lucas by the arm. "What are you doing, Lucas?" she whispered.

Lucas stroked her hair. "Now, now, sweetie, don't get all sad. I'm doing this for both of us," he smiled too tenderly.

"What are you talking about?" Ringo asked, his eyes narrowing.

Lucas shook his head, "with smarts like that, you should consider running for presidency, Ringo," he laughed.

Ringo's face reddened. He moved toward Lucas, cocking his fist. Anton grabbed his arm and whispered 'no.'

"That's right, pretty boy," Lucas said. "You tell him," he smiled. "Anyway, to answer your question, Winter, I am doing this for both of us." he breathed.

They all waited for him to continue.

"Fernando was a lousy father. Nothing ever felt right with him. In fact, even though he never rubbed it in my face, I always knew I was adopted," he started. "And you," he motioned for Bertha, "you were as lousy as he was. You didn't deserve me. You were both egoistic imbeciles," he smirked. "I put up with Fernando's shit for as long as I can remember. And Winter, too. Oh, she put up with your shit for so long, Bertha," he spat. "Who better to inherit the man's wealth than Winter and me? We both put up with your shit, and I'm not just going to throw that all away. Do you realize how much Fernando's net worth is? Billions. That's right. Billions. Now, imagine if his son shows up one day--his real son--this garbage right here," he motioned to Anton. "presenting himself like a miracle or something. Do you realize what will happen?" he waited for her to answer. When she didn't, he continued. "We'll be sucked up dry, Winter. You hear me? You and me, the supposed son and daughter of Fernando Santiago, will be left with scrap. Sure, he'll still give us some of his assets, but compared to what he's about to give to this trash? It's like fifty cents to a hundred, sweetie.

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