Chapter 26

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Chapter 26


Then a blur of light. The man with the blood stained shirt struggled to open his eyes. It was impossible to do so.

He squinted, managing to open his eyes a little. The light that was probably coming from a single light bulb seared through his retina. His head was throbbing. He tried to move it, but grunted with the effort. Nausea swept through him. And then there was darkness again. 


He needed to vomit. He turned his head sideways, spittle dribbling down his mouth. He struggled to open his eyes once more, and managed a crack. The room was dark except for a hint of moonlight peeking through what looked like a window. His throat was dry. He needed water. He coughed hard but it didn't ease the thirst. He leaned his head back against the cold floor, darkness consuming him once more.

The sound of a door creaking open jolted him awake. His shirt was drenched in sweat. There was a hint of light coming from the door. The throbbing was still there. He clutched his head and managed a small grunt. He opened his eyes and squinted at the dimlit room. He needed to vomit again. He struggled to get up, but nausea swept in once more. There were voices coming from the doorway. He wanted to open his eyes but couldn't. It felt like they were burning. 

"....he's getting better..." was all he managed to hear.

"...should keep him here until we find them." the other answered. 

He struggled to open his mouth. 

"Where... Where..." he whispered.

Silence. Then footsteps. 

He struggled to open his eyes, and managed to do so. A blurry figure loomed above him. He couldn't make out who it was. But he could make out the blue-black blouse, the neatly bunned hair, and the hint of smile.

It was a woman.

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