Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

"Stay low and keep quiet," Anton whispered hoarsely as he sprinted forward, Ringo's arm draped around his shoulder. Ringo was grunting too loudly now, the effort of sprinting hurting his wounded leg. Anton too, was nearly out of breath. Through gritted teeth he managed to distance themselves from Alice's house are far as possible, while Winter searched for a possible place to hide. 

Ringo almost stumbled across a bush. They were slowly making their way through the neighbor's backyard. The streets would be too risky. They'd be too open. Anton almost kneeled with Ringo's weight, pushing himself and Ringo upright. Winter turned and saw what was happening, and ran to them. 

"No, no!" Anton hissed, almost standing. "Go! Just keep going! I can handle this," he whispered. Winter nodded and ran forward. She was keeping a good distance. When she was almost a good thirty feet away from them, she abruptly turned left and disappered.

"Shit!" Anton said, craning his neck in search for Winter. Where the hell'd she go?! He thought. Ringo was walking again now, slowly breaking to a sprint. Anton and Ringo were gaining a good speed when suddenly, the sound of gunfire pierced the night. 

"Stop! Police!" a man with a baritone voice yelled behind them. Anton glanced back along with Ringo, when he saw two men running after them, and gaining fast. Police officers. They were probably just five-hundred meters away from them. But it was dark. Anton counted on that. 

Double shit he thought as he adjusted Ringo's arm around his shoulders and broke into a run. Ringo's adrenaline kicked in too, because then he was running as fast as Anton was. Another gunshot rang in the air, making their feet pump even harder. Up ahead, Winter jumped out of a bush.

"In here!" she whispered too loudly.

Anton swirved to the left, dragging Ringo with him. Winter led them to a narrow walk-way. They followed the walk-way, leading to a unkempt garden. There were shrubs and orchids and small trees. Anton doubted they'd be enough to use as cover. He was about to protest when he saw where Winter was really going. A toolshed. At the farthest corner of the garden, just beside the house. In fact, it looked like it was part of the house. The toolshed was attatched to the backside of the house; the walls, like the house, painted with white; the roof painted with red. Winter opened the door with a faint creak then disappered inside. Anton caught up almost instantly, opening the door and closing it after. He almost collapsed. Ringo kneeled with pain, caused by his leg. Blood seeped through the bandages, blotting its whiteness with crimson. Anton aided him as he sat in the corner, clutching his thigh. Winter made her way even further, trying to look for additional cover. Outside, they heard the officers exchange dialogues. They were probably just a few feet away from the walk-way. Anton turned to Winter, who was looking at him with darting eyes. It was dark inside the toolshed, but the faint glow of moonlight slipping through the small window was enough to illuminate Winter's terror. 

"They're going to catch us," Winter whispered hoarsely. "We're going to get caught!"

Anton kept quiet. His mind was racing. He went for the door and leaned in to listen. The police officers were definitely near. He heard the baritone man say, "in here! There's a walk-way!" 

Anton knew that he should be rattling then. But to his surprise, he wasn't. He remained calm, and most of all, alert. He calculated the distance from the walk way to the tool shed. He had probably two minutes. 

"Wait here, and keep quiet," he whispered to Winter, as he opened the door and ran to the side of the tool shed. In this angle, it was impossible to see him from the walk way. He looked around for something heavy, and found a large rock. He gripped the rock tightly, scanning the area. He cocked his hand and hurled the rock with everything he had. The rock flew across the air, eventually landing on what sounded like a metal garbage bin a few blocks away from where they were. Instantly, the two officers became silent. He risked a look, and saw that they were going back to the streets. "There! They must've stumbled on something!" he heard the other man say. After a few seconds, they were gone. 

Anton went back to the toolshed and pulled Ringo upright. Winter was already outside the door. 

"Here!" she whispered. Winter made her way around the toolshed. Anton and Ringo followed. There was another walk way. They followed the walk way and eventually ended up in a garage. A blue honda city greeted them like a sitting duck. Winter then rushed to a cardboard box at the further end of the garage. After a few shuffles, she produced a thin nail and a wire. She managed to smile.

"So, your wrap sheet says you got charged for car napping," she said, handing Anton the nail and wire. "Mind if you show me how?"

Anton's expression changed. "With pleasure," he replied with a grin.

After three minutes, the car purred to life, and they were on their way.

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