Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Alice put her phone on the table. She paced around the dining room, weighing the pros and cons yet again. Was that the right thing to do? She thought as she walked around. To be sucked in such a horrendous crime would be a bad idea. Everything she worked for was at stake here. She was just starting to fulfill her dreams. And this kind of incident, well, its the kind that shatters dreams. She didn't want to end up licking jail bars, did she?

Struggling to keep her mind occupied at least until the police arrives, she paced to the living room and turned the TV on. Ringo was asleep on one of the couches. That was good. She took the remote and switched channels. Her mind was racing. She didn't really care about anything right now. Finally, she flicked the remote button to channel six. It was the local news. A woman in a smart, neat suit with wind blown hair was reporting. The name below her read, 'Camille Coo. Channel Six News.'

"Earlier today a man was found dead on the side of the road in the secluded part of the city. Police later on identified the man as one of their own, Agent Karl Esteves. Authorities claim that Agent Esteves was shot in the neck..."

The reporter's voice faded away as Alice heard someone shuffle near her. She turned and almost jumped. Anton was already there, standing beside Winter. Their faces were drained of color. In the news, they flashed a photo of the dead Agent Karl Esteves.

"Isn't that...?" Anton whispered, pointing at the screen. Winter's eyes followed his slim fingers, and finally widened with horror.

"He... He was a cop," Winter said, shocked. Turning to Alice, she added, "He was the one who shot Lucas. He was the one trying to kill us. I shot him and..."

Alice struggled to find her voice. "What are you talking--" she shifted her vision to the TV when reality struck her.

"Oh my god..." she said, her eyes wide with horror. "Oh my god what have I done...?"

Winter looked at her with plain confusion. "What are you talking about, Alice?"

Alice's eyes darted with panic. "I... I called the police."

Winter's eyes narrowed at her. "You what?!"

"I didn't know!" she exclaimed. I thought..." she whispered. "I thought you were afraid of calling the police because you were running from them. I didn't know..."

Winter pulled Anton to the side. "We have to get out of here. We have to get out of here now!"

Just as she was explaining, they heard the faint wail of sirens. Their eyes widened in panic. Winter and Anton burst through the stairs and went back, already carrying Winter's bag. Alice stood dumbstruck as she watched the horror unfold in front of her eyes. She ran to Ringo and woke him up. Ringo sat upright, clutching his head.

"Wha.. What's happening?" he winced.

"You have to get out of here, Ringo," Alice said. She looked at Winter who was already peeking through the blinds.

"We have to hurry. They'll be here any second," Winter whispered, her eyes darting around. Anton ran to Ringo, pulled him up and wrapped his arm around Anton's shoulders.

"No time to explain," he said. "Move!"

Ringo and Anton walked to the front door.

"No!" Alice exclaimed. "They'll see you," she breathed. "You have to use the back door. This way!"

Winter glanced, then followed. Alice opened the door, revealing the back yard. The street lights were out, leaving everything in a haze of darkness. The three of them walked out the door. Alice pulled Winter's arm and held her.

"I'm sorry, Winter. I didn't know..." she said, her eyes welling up.

"I don't blame you," Winter replied hastily. "Thanks for the help."

"Be careful," Alice nodded at her. "I'll try to stall them."

They hugged, then Winter and her two companions disappeared in the dark, leaving Alice alone in the doorway. A couple of minutes later, she heard someone knock on the front door. She checked the backyard once more and closed it. She ran to the front door, smoothed her shirt and ran her hand along her hair. She breathed deeply, trying to calm herself. Then she opened the door.

"Yes?" she squinted, trying so hard to pretend that she was disturbed from her sleep.

"Good evening, maam," the man with the brown leather jacket greeted. "I am officer Riviera," he said. "And this is Agent Jimenez," he gestured towards the man beside him. "Are you Alice?"

"Yes," was all she managed to say.

"You called earlier? About three people stopping by your house, of whom are possibly invloved in a shooting incident which occured earlier today," the man named Riviera explained.

Alice swallowed. "Wha... What call?" she asked. "I was asleep since four in the afternoon."

Riviera looked at his partner, then back at her. "But the phone number is listed to this residence."

Alice struggled to even herself. "Oh, I know," she said. "My niece may have dropped by a while ago," she continued. "that kid is such a pain in the ass. Always placing prank calls. Probably pulled her little trick on you guys," she explained. "Look, I'm sorry, officers, but I promise, it won't happen again."

Riviera and his partner just looked at her as if she pooped in front of them. "Uh-huh," Riviera said. "Would you mind if we look around the house?"

"Yes," she blurted. "I mean, no. Sure, suit yourselves," she added as she stepped aside to let them in. Riviera led the way, his partner following.

"Go check upstairs," he told his partner, Jimenez. Jimenez walked casually to the stairs and disappeared. Riviera proceeded to the dining area, the comfort room, and the kitchen. After a while, Jimenez went back. "No one there," he said.

Riviera lingered too long at the kitchen. Alice could feel her heart hammering against her chest. Riviera looked at her a tad too long. He started to walk toward her.

"Maam?" he said too softly, "if you are--in any way--not in the liberty to tell us what you know because they threatened you or something," he added, looking around, "you can at least give us a sign. Like you can scratch your head, or blink a few times..." Riviera's voice faded as he waited for Alice to respond.

Alice tried so hard not to blink, afraid that the police might take it as a sign. She just stared at Riviera, then Jimenez, then back at Riviera again. She forced a smile and shook her head.

"No, really," she said, smiling broadly. "I'm okay. I told you, it's my niece. You know how kids are these days..." she added, careful not to sound suspicious.

Riviera just stood there and waited for her to say more. When she didn't, he nodded.

"We're sorry to disturb you, maam," he said as he walked slowly toward the door. His partner followed him, both of their eyes scanning the room. "We should be leaving--"

Riviera's eyes stopped dead at a small garbage bin hidden behind the front door.

In her rush to answer the door, she forgot to throw the contents earlier.

He quickly went to take a look. Dread filled Alice's chest as Riviera spilled the contents. Blood soaked cottons and bandages littered the floor. Then, a faint ping made her world stop. The slug bounced against the floor tiles, making her eyes widen. Riviera glared at her and automatically pulled out his gun, his partner mimicking the move. They ran toward the back of the house, eventually spotting the back door. The door burst open as the two officers ran outside the house, darkness enveloping them as well.

What have I done? Alice thought as she stared at the open door, like a gaping mouth poised to swallow her whole.

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