Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

My eyes parted slowly when I could see the light shine on my eyes, surely but slowly I let my eyes flutter open scanning my room. Memories from yesterday hit me hard and I closed my eyes tightly wishing they had disappeared. Looking around Riley was peacefully sleeping next to me his frame facing away from my own when I shifted to lift the blanket away he stirred causing him to turn

My whole body stilled at his movements and I watched him carefully making sure not to wake him, I slipped the blanket off easily and tip toed to the bathroom. Sparing one glance at Riley his mouth was parted slightly and a soft snore settled through the room. Sleeps like a baby.

After a decent amount of time in the shower I walked back out to my room clothed to see it empty, sighing I sat on the edge of the bed. Jay really couldn't wait to throw me away like all his other girls, he always finds new ways to disappoint me and quite frankly I'm sick of it. I try so hard to be better and when I slip up he turns on me like everyone else. Maybe fates got it wrong this time

Maybe I took longer than expected to find him? I thought cluelessly to myself. Waving a dismissive hand I walked to the bedroom door, placing a hand against the wood I inhaled deeply before turning the knob

A little wind swept passed me and I walked out, needing to eat. Stopping at the top of the stairs I heard the voices of some of the pack in the living room. Taking a deep breath I strolled downstairs straight passed curious stares I was receiving. Once I found refuge in the kitchen I went straight to the fridge taking an awful amount of time to pick something somebody had cleared their throat behind me. I jumped scared and turned around

"Abby" Jay whispered half heartedly

I ignored him and turned back to the fridge. He didn't deserve my sympathy or even a glance at me, he said all he needed to last night. I heard a sigh behind me and footsteps. Just as I thought I had won two hands trapped me holding my waist

His breath trickled my neck, causing goosebumps to show on my skin. His hands travelled down my hips but I quickly slapped his hand away making him growl

Turning sharply his eyes were darker than usual and his lips pressed in a thin line

"I need to apologize"

"Like I care" I shrugged moving myself out of his embrace

"Please Abby let me explain" he said sincerely

"I don't want an apology Jay, nothing you say will save you this time" I hissed stomping out of the kitchen

I was in full blown anger now and all it took was for him to talk, groaning I stomped straight out the front door completely oblivious to the gazing eyes of the pack. Hearing a low growl and demands through the packhouse I lent myself against the front of the house

Maybe I should just leave. No one would actually care, I finally let ny walls down and in a split second they were caged up again but this time the anger inside of me slipped out and now that's all the emotion I feel

"Abby!" Jay shouted

I stayed positioned against the side of the house and let Jay find me, he has a nose he can find my scent..... if I have one. Before thinking anymore the front door swung open revealing a half naked Jay

"Why were you sleeping with Riley" he hissed

I rolled my eyes and closed them tilting my head up to the morning sun, sure there was a slight breeze but the sun worked perfectly together

"Answer me" shouted

"I have nothing to say"

"Don't test me Abby" he said

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