Chapter 18

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I didn't know exactly when I woke up, but when I did, a simple green gown was laid out. Mechanically, ignoring the pain all over my body, I slipped it on and left my yellow gown on the floor.

Then I began thinking.

I'd probably been out a whole day, which meant that today was...would be...the last day of my life. Ivy would kill me today. Tomorrow I would turn sixteen, but I'd never get to. Oh, Nalvia. I'd be dead. Dead.

It was hard to think that in twenty-four hours, I wouldn't exist anymore. Though I didn't feel far from dead right now.

And after I was gone, Forreston would be crowned King. Arrangements or his Coronation had been going on. I was glad I wouldn't have to see that, at least.

If I wanted any chance at living, I had to escape. I'd still most likely die, but there was a chance. An impossibly small chance, but a chance nevertheless.

First step- find out what time it was. Because Ivy would kill me in the night. I needed to find out how much time I had.

Ivy'd left the rod there.

It was covered in my blood, but this was no time for squeamishness. I slipped my sleeves over my palms and grabbed it, ignoring the stinging on my hands, having been burnt by this very rod. I banged it once, hard, against the bars of my cell.

That was enough.

A guard came running immediately. My eyes dropped to the keys at his hip.

How fortunate.

I walked to the bars, and he did the same. Without looking away from him, I let my hand slip through the bars and slowly drift towards his belt, while I kept him talking. "What time is it?" He leaned his head to the side, pondering, giving me time to grab the keys firmly to stop them from jingling.

"Late evening. Couple of hours till midnight, I guess." he said finally.

I couldn't breathe. A couple of hours? A couple of hours left in my life? The guard turned and walked back to his post, while I stood there holding the keys.

Thank Nalvia he didn't notice them.

Once I could think clearly, I realized I'd have to unlock the door. I slipped my hand through the bars and bent it to reach the lock. Luckily they went in. I twisted, and the lock opened. I pulled it through quietly and pushed the bars open.

I heard a shout.

My heart nearly stopped.

After a few agonizing moments, I realized they weren't shouting about me at all. I heard the guards from the stairs running back upstairs.

I listened carefully and heard someone shouting, "The rebels! The rebels are inside!"

I inhaled sharply.

A rebel attack.

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