Chapter 41

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"I'm tired." I said, yawning slightly.

We were still riding on Aiden's wind, apparently able to do so because the air was 'Forest air', and, as such, could be used by elves.

"Well, I'm not surprised." Aiden said looking amused, "You just lifted, melted, and used a lot of snow to trap six people. What did you think? You'd be energized?"

 It was fascinating  the way his eyes crinkled at the corners and his eyebrows slightly drew together over his eyes when he was amused or happy.

I looked away.

"So how do you think she found us?"

He shrugged. "I have no idea. We'll ask someone when we reach the camp." Though the attack was long over, fear still hung like a shroud over my heart. The way she knew where we were was so frightening. I didn't know what to make of it.

"So, how far is the camp?" I asked. He narrowed his eyes, squinting into the distance like he was trying to look into the Forest and see the camp. "Maybe four days from here, three if we go really fast."

I nodded and we lapsed into silence, both almost dropping off to sleep, until the sky began to darken.

"Why don't we...stop here?" Aiden yawned. He had to be even more tired than me, supporting us both this whole time. "Okay."

He gently let us down onto the grass.

He'd picked a good place. There was soft grass on the ground, and enough trees that we wouldn't be seen if someone happened to come.

"You sleep, I'll sit and guard us." he suggested. I looked at him, surprised. "No, I'll sit up. You sleep. You're really tired."

He shook his head. "No, it's okay. Elvina, you sleep. Princesses need their beauty sleep, you know." He tried to joke to make it seem like he was awake, but a huge yawn overcame him at the end of it, proving me right.

I gave him a fake glare. "You. Sleep. Now."

He sighed, finally relenting, and laid down next to me where I was leaning my back on a tree. His eyes closed and he dropped off to sleep almost immediately.

His face was so peaceful and serene when he was sleeping, like he was in a whole other world, like his twin-


My eyes widened.

I'd been so absorbed in our escape that I hadn't thought about Arden at all. Was he all right? Had he been captured? And what about Maple? These questions made me feel like a terrible friend.

Then I thought about the night I'd shared with Arden, and I flushed deep red (luckily there was no one to see this). I don't why, a twinge of guiltiness was associated with that particular memory.

I tried to put all of this out of my thoughts and focus on what I was actually supposed to be doing- guarding. I sighed and watched the Forest, watching for any signs of movement.

Nothing moved, except for owl hoots and small rustles caused by animals (which nearly stopped my heart when they occurred).

I let Aiden sleep much longer than was necessary, and my hand automatically strayed to his forehead, brushing his hair and tracing small circles.

I felt more peaceful in that moment than I think I ever had before.

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