Chapter 75

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'Really? Is this the time?' I demanded silently.

I got no answer, though, and my present situation faded away as I observed the scene in front of me.

They were lying down, facing each other, on their bed. Both looked a few years older. They were silent, just looking at each other, until Rowan spoke. "Ive, do you want to try for...another child?" Her eyes narrowed in confusion. "Another? We already have three, Row. And they're growing. Olive's almost two already, and Laur's six. You want another?"

She spoke with no judgement, only slight bemusement. Rowan fidgeted, playing with a piece of her long hair. "Ive, we're both only children. I don't want our kids to have that. I want to have a big family, plenty of kids."

She was silent for a while, until she finally said, "Row, three children is already enough. We have three beautiful, perfect little girls. We're already a big family." He bit his lip. "Ivy, I want to. But...only if you're all right with it."

She was silent for a long time. Then she sighed. "Alright, Row." He smiled gently and pressed his lips to hers. When he broke away, she was smiling gently at him too. "I love you, King Rowan." "And I you, Queen Ivy."

Then the scene faded to black. Wait. That was it? That short? Wait. Nalvia's voice spoke clearly. Watch.

Colors spread across the darkness, showing me another scene. One more?

"Sir Branch, I must speak to you." Ivy said to Sir Branch, standing in a hallway. She looked many years older, tired and pale- and had an expression on her face I didn't associate with Ivy. Fear. Branch bowed. "At your service, Your Highness." She pursed her lips. "In private."

Branch nodded. "Come, my Queen." She followed him down hallways, turning right and left, until they reached a deserted passage, lit by a single torch. He faced her. "Your Highness."  His tone betrayed a bit of uneasiness, like he wasn't used to having personal meetings with his Queen. She looked to both sides, apparently making sure no one was there.

"Sir Branch. I've had seven children. They're all girls, as you know." He nodded, and his face darkened a shade. "Yes, Your Highness." "And you know of my relations with the King." She continued. He took in a breath. "Yes, Ivy."

That took me by surprise. He had called her by her name,not by her title.

"Branch. I've known you since we were children." She didn't call him by his title either. Why? He nodded. 

"And you've always supported me, through everything. Even after my marriage with the King, you've been here. You've been my best friend." Branch's lips curved up almost imperceptibly.

"And you've been my best friend, Ivy. You got me this position here, and you didn't push me away even after learning of my....feelings. For you."

His feelings for her? How long had he loved her?

She nodded, sadness softening her eyes. "Yes. I never loved you as you loved me. Since we were children, I took it to be friendship. And then I fell in love with him, and you were still there, always with me." He didn't say anything, waiting for her to continue.

She sighed. "But light of recent events..." His eyes darkened still more to anger, like he knew what events she was talking about. "My feelings for you...have changed, Branch." She said the last part desperately, half-afraid and half-joyfully.

Branch's face melted to confusion. "I...what are you saying, Ivy?" She bit her lower lip and looked to both sides again. She didn't want to be heard. "I'm saying, Branch..."

He waited.

" you." She said it like it surprised even her. Branch's mouth drifted open in astonishment. For a moment all was silent except for the sound of their twin breaths. "What did you say?"

"I love you, Branch. I love you!" She said happily and passionately. Branch;s face still registered complete bewilderment, but a moment later, it was like a bright light had shone on him. His face literally glowed.

"You're speaking the truth, Ivy?" He said, like he couldn't even dare to believe it. She nodded, looking years younger now. "The complete truth, Branch. Do you love me?"  He nodded, still looking like he'd been blessed with the greatest thing in the Forest. Which I suppose he had. Love from the elf he wished for. "Ivy, I never stopped loving you. Never. You've always been the only one in my heart."

At the same moment, they wrapped their arms around each other, embracing blissfully.

And the scene faded to black, leaving me with that one image under my eyelids- the two lovers finally together.

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