Chapter 72

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We were deep underground again, already in the dark tunnel.

As we walked, Aiden filled Arden and Maple in on our experience in the village. I was worried about how we'd get through. Last time, I'd messed up. Now, what if there were more soldiers, or if something happened again? What if someone died because of me?

I felt the ground sloping back upwards as we walked. We'd been walking for a very long time, which meant we were nearing the village, and Acer's bookshop. He couldn't be there anymore. What would it have become? And who would be there?

Aiden stopped for lunch (some nuts and greens meal he'd made in the morning without me noticing), which was good, because I was getting hungry. We ate in silence. I pretended not to notice the worried looks Arden and Maple shot at me. Finally, as we began walking, Maple drew back and let the boys go in front. "You okay?"

I shrugged. "Yeah, just...guilty." She squeezed my hand. "El, it's okay. That man- Acer- he knew the risks. He knew what he was doing. It wasn't your fault." I sighed. "But if I hadn't done what I did, Acer would've still been alive."

"You saved an innocent elf." She said reassuringly. "And Acer, who only helped us, died because of it." I said. "What about the boy? You saved him. Acer wasn't mad at you. Ask Aiden. He was happy to sacrifice himself."

"He shouldn't have had to sacrifice himself. Whether or not I look like it, I am the Princess and the elves' safety is my responsibility." I argued. "You took responsibility for the little boy. You can't save everyone, Elvina. You have to make a choice sometimes. And you made the right one." She said.

When I didn't respond, she said, "Okay?" "Okay." I breathed. Maple had somehow made me feel better about the whole thing. "Good, because we're reaching soon." She said. We walked on and on, and much later, Aiden stopped. "We're here."

All I saw was a solid wall. Then Aiden put his hand against it. A small hole, letting in some light, opened up. Aiden pushed his eye to the hole, seeing what was inside.

Something was wrong.

I could see it from the way Aiden's body tensed up. He drew back slowly and turned around to look at the rest of us. "What?" I whispered. His face was hard. "See for yourself." I looked through the small opening, and gasped.


Plenty of them. They were lounging about- on chairs, on the floor, not very attentive. Acer's bookshop was left as it was, except for a noticeable layer of dust over everything. The soldiers were talking, and I moved back.

Arden and Maple went ahead, to see. I caught Aiden's eye. It was dark. He didn't know how we'd make it through. I brushed his hand lightly. "We'll figure it out." He looked down. "Maybe." We were silent for a moment, when he suddenly said, "I have an idea."

Arden and Maple had now taken in the whole scene. "What are we going to do?" Maple whispered. Aiden opened his mouth to respond, when a soldier's voice, louder than the rest, caught our attention. "Why are we even here?"

We were all silent, listening for more.

"Queen thinks the Princess might come back through here. Useless, if you ask me." Another voice grunted. "We have to do our duty." A soldier said. "Why are we doing the Queen's duty?" the first voice asked.

I tensed up. Were they planning to join the rebels? "We do her work because she pays us. The rebels won't." the soldier (the one who said they had to do their duty) reminded. "Ah, right." The second soldier sighed.

"She's making a bloody mess of our Forest. Sometimes I think we should join the rebels." The first voice said. "Watch it!" Another soldier hissed, sounding alarmed. "Talk like that could get you killed." A soldier warned.

But then the second soldier piped up again. "Anyhow, there's no chance the Princess is going to pass through here again." "Why not?" A soldier asked. "Heard the news lately? Rebels taking over plenty of towns and villages near here. They've almost covered the territory guard. Won't be soon they take over this place, too. Princess can walk right through."

"For Nalvia's sake, keep your mouth shut!" A soldier cried- and there came the sound of a loud boom. "You worthless scoundrels!" A new voice yelled. I exchanged an alarmed glance with Maple. Aiden pressed his eyes to the hole, then turned around to us. 'A general.' He mouthed.

"You dare to speak of you Queen like this. You've signed your own death warrant!" There was the sound of a sword being drawn from it's sheath, and, a moment later, a horrible yell and the sound of something falling.

"Anyone else?" The general boomed. Dead silence. The place shook with the sounds of his heavy footsteps leaving the shop. I looked through the hole, my stomach churning with anxiousness. A soldier was lying on the ground, blood seeping out of a cut on his neck.

We all saw it, and as we looked at each other, I knew one thing.

We were in deep trouble.

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